ORCA presents: Canada's Ocean Decade newsletter
July 2023 – Issue 8

On this page
- Special issue: ORCA 2023 National Meeting
- Next steps
- Join the ORCA Community: call for new members
- Contact us
Special issue: ORCA 2023 National Meeting
In partnership with the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) and Memorial University, the ORCA 2023 National Meeting was successfully convened on June 1-2 in St. John’s, NL, under the theme ‘Together, let's make a strong Canadian contribution to the Ocean Decade’.
Programming featured:
- keynote speakers
- an interactive panel discussion
- breakout groups hosted by each of the 7 Ocean Decade Champions
- a poster session
- concurrent sessions/workshops addressing a variety of themes related to:
- interdisciplinary and multi-regional collaboration
- Indigenous engagement and partnerships
- community-led initiatives
- mobilizing tools and resources

The meeting included:
- approximately 150 Participants from across Canada
- 25 poster presentations
- 15 concurrent sessions/workshops
- 7 Decade Outcome Breakout groups

Participants were:
- mostly from the Atlantic Region
- mainly affiliated with academic institutions
- largely represented by Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs)

Participation by region - Text version
Participation by region:
- Atlantic Region 70.1%
- Central Canada 19.5%
- West Coast 7.8%
- Prairie provinces 1.7%
- North 0.9%

Participation by sector - Text version
Participation by sector:
- Academic institution 37.5%
- NGO 23.2%
- Government 22.4%
- Industry 6.6%
- Indigenous organization 5.8%
- Other 4.6%

Feedback on ORCA 2023 has been positive to date, with many participants indicating that the meeting was needed to convene the community and to ensure cross-sector cooperation, particularly in the context of the Ocean Decade.

During ORCA 2023, the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC) launched Ocean Week Canada 2023 with events at the Johnson Geo Centre and a concert by The Fortunate Ones.

Next steps
The next steps include:
- ORCA 2023 National Meeting Report
- Enhanced communication and outreach
- Action-oriented engagement with the ocean community
Join the ORCA Community: call for new members
Contact the ORCA Secretariat ORCA.AROC@dfo-mpo.gc.ca to join the more than 750 members from over 200 organizations that are already part of ORCA. Together we can advance our collective understanding of the ocean!
Contact us
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