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Proceedings 2023/005

Proceedings of the Zonal Peer Review on the Assessment of Redfish in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subarea 0, and Subarea 2 + Division 3K; May 4–7, 2021

Chairperson: Christina Bourne

Editor: Kayla Gagliardi


A Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Zonal Peer Review Process on the Assessment of redfish in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subarea (SA) 0, and SA 2 + Division (Div.) 3K was held virtually May 4–7th, 2021. The purpose was to provide scientific advice on the status of redfish stocks for NAFO SA 0, and SA 2 + 3K, specifically to provide: 1) consideration of ecosystem status where the assessed redfish stock occurs based on an overview including relevant summaries of oceanographic conditions, biological community structure and trends, and pertinent knowledge of ecological interactions (e.g., predator, prey) and stressors (e.g., anthropogenic impacts); 2) a description of the biology of redfish and its distribution; 3) a description of redfish landings as by-catch in other fisheries; 4) an update of redfish abundance and biomass indices, including size structure and geographic distribution of catch for each assessment area using the relevant survey data (e.g., Northern Shrimp Research Foundation (NSRF), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) research vessel (RV) survey); 5) an examination of the trend in relative year-class strength of redfish; 6) a description of recent redfish by-catch harvest levels and stock status relative to survey indices; and, 7) a discussion of the current knowledge gaps, research, and information needs to be collected through the assessment area surveys and/or redfish by-catch within commercial fisheries to help future assessments and aid the evaluation/establishment of species-specific reference points in the future.

Both Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), and Arctic Region Resource Management Divisions requested the current assessments to provide detailed advice on the status of redfish stocks. The advice from this assessment may be used to inform management decisions for the 2021 fishing season.

This Proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions and presents key conclusions reached during the meeting. Additional publications from this process will be posted on the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat website as they become available.

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