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Proceedings 2023/025

Proceedings of the National Advisory Meeting on Science advice for assessing cumulative effects in support of policy development and regulatory decision-making; March 8-12, 2021

Chairperson: Keith Clarke

Editor: James Kristmanson


This Proceedings results from the virtual Science Advisory meeting of March 8-12, 2021 of the National Peer Review of Science Advice for Assessing Cumulative Effects in Support of Policy Development and Regulatory Decision-making.

Through the Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS), the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program (FFHPP) requested that DFO Science conduct a peer review on assessing cumulative effects in support of policy development and regulatory decision-making.

FFHPP has been interested in science advice related to cumulative effects previously but the requirement for science advice on cumulative effects became more pressing due to: (1) revisions to the Fisheries Act which include the consideration of cumulative effects under paragraph 34.1(1)(d); and, (2) the recent program revitalization and creation of an “Integrated Planning” branch within FFHPP. Thus, science advice is necessary to support: regulatory decisions under the revised Fisheries Act, Species at Risk Act, and Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations; to support ongoing policy development that will determine how cumulative effects will be considered in FFHPP; and, to support a greater understanding of cumulative effects on the broader landscape scale for planning purposes.

The meeting reviewed two working papers prepared by researchers in DFO’s Ecosystems and Ocean Science Sector (EOSS). One of these working papers addressed the broader scale context for considering cumulative effects in integrated planning, and the other addressed the needs within program decision-making. The two working papers were closely connected and coordinated.

This Proceedings summarizes the discussions following presentations and formal reviews of the working papers in relation to the Objectives of the meeting and the crafting of the Summary Bullets for the Science Advisory Report. Discussions were wide-ranging, collegial and constructive. The author teams expressed their appreciation for the suggestions put forward and how these helped improve the clarity of the working papers. Consensus on the Summary Bullets was achieved without issue. Many participants were topical experts, but had relatively little CSAS peer review meeting experience and were favourably impressed by the process.

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