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Proceedings 2024/002

Proceedings of the Pacific Regional Peer Review on the Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Pacific Region Offshore Haida Gwaii Network Zones; November 8-9, 2022

Chairpersons: Gudt’aawt’is Judson Brown and Janet Lochead

Editor: Yvonne Muirhead-Vert


These Proceedings summarize the relevant discussions and key conclusions that resulted from a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Peer Review meeting on November 8-9, 2022 at DFO Regional Headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC). Virtual participants attended using the online meeting platform Zoom. A working paper to provide the biophysical and ecological overview of the Offshore Haida Gwaii Network Zones, as a first step in the regulatory process for Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation under the Oceans Act, was presented for peer review. The analysis and information presented in the working paper reflect a collaborative process between the Government of Canada and the Council of the Haida Nation.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of in-person gatherings has been restricted. With the recent relaxing of regional health orders and mandates, it was decided a hybrid meeting format would be adopted for this meeting to strengthen partnerships. Participation included DFO Science, DFO Oceans, Council of the Haida Nation (CHN), Fisheries Management (Marine Conservation Targets; MCT), Gwaii Haanas Parks Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Marine Protected Areas Technical Team, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada - Geological Survey, Canadian Wildlife Service, and the University of Victoria.

The meeting participants agreed the working paper met the Terms of Reference objectives and was accepted with minor revisions. The conclusions and advice resulting from this review will be provided in the form of a Science Advisory Report (SAR) to assist managers in refining conservation objectives and area boundaries and will inform subsequent steps of the Oceans Act MPA designation process. The report will also inform subsequent advice on monitoring indicators, protocols and strategies, identification of information gaps requiring further research, and the development of management and monitoring plans for the sites. The Science Advisory Report and supporting Research Document will be made publicly available on the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) website.

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