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Proceedings 2024/047

Proceedings of the Zonal Advisory Meeting on the Pre-COSEWIC Assessment for Atlantic Salmon; October 26–29, 2020, February 1–4, 2021, December 15–16, 2020, and January 18–22, 2021

Chairpersons: Travis Van Leeuwen (Parts I and II), Charley Cyr (Part III), Cindy Breau (Part IV)

Editors: Shannan May-McNally, Karine Robert, Hans-Frédéric Ellefsen


These Proceedings summarize the relevant discussions and key conclusions that resulted from a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Zonal Advisory Peer Review meeting on October 26–29, 2020 and February 1–4, 2021 in Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Parts I and II); on December 15–16, 2020 in Quebec Region (Part III); and on January 18–22, 2021 in Maritimes and Gulf Regions (Part IV). Several working papers were produced compiling existing DFO information relevant to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) status assessment for anadromous Atlantic Salmon in Canadian waters. These papers were presented, and peer reviewed during virtual meetings which included participation from DFO Science, Resource Management, and Aquatic Ecosystems/Ecosystems Management Sectors staff, and external participants from COSEWIC, provincial governments, Indigenous organizations, and non-governmental organizations. The conclusions resulting from this review will be provided in the form of several Research Documents providing information to COSEWIC to inform the status assessment of Atlantic Salmon. The Research Documents and supporting Proceedings will be made publicly available online on the CSAS website.

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