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Research Document - 2007/011

Contribution to the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSA) for the Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence: The fish eggs and larvae and crustacean decapods larvae layer

By Ouellet, P.


An analysis on more than 20 years of data on the abundance of fish eggs and larvae and for few crustacean decapod species is presented to draw a map of ecologically and biologically significant areas for the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Estuary. The analysis of the spatial distribution of eggs and larvae of fish species and of crustacean decapods species leads to the suggestion of eight areas for the entire Gulf and Estuary system. The principal areas are located around Anticosti Island, the west coast of Newfoundland and in the southern Gulf. However, an absence of data available for mapping in the Estuary limits the value of the analysis for that region of the St. Lawrence system.

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