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Research Document 2017/043

Pup production of Northwest Atlantic grey seals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

By Hammill, M.O., Gosselin, J-F., and Stenson, G.B.


Pup production in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was estimated in 2016 using multiple methods including visual and photographic estimates. Reconnaissance flights were also carried out to determine if any pupping occurred along the south and southwest coasts of Newfoundland and Anticosti Island. A small number of pups were found on Anticosti while no pupping occurred along the Newfoundland coast. In 2016 there was very little ice. Over 95% of the pups were born on land. Where possible, counts were corrected for the proportion of pupping completed when the survey was completed. Total pup production is estimated to be 10,500 (SE=800 rounded to the nearest 100) animals.

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