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Research Document 2022/052

Components of Science-based Framework for Assessing the Impact of Development Activities under Section 73 of Canada’s Species at Risk Act

By Drake, D.A.R., van der Lee, A.S., and Koops, M.A.


Under Section 73(3) of Canada’s Species at Risk Act, the competent minister may not authorize an activity that jeopardizes the survival or recovery of a SARA-listed species. Since 2004, the concept of jeopardizing survival and recovery has received considerable attention from DFO’s Science Sector in the form of allowable harm advice; however, allowable harm is a species, not project-specific concept, and to date has not typically incorporated habitat effects, which are expected with development projects in and around aquatic ecosystems. Here, an overview of allowable harm advice is presented as it relates to interpreting Section 73(3). Components of a science-based framework to assess the impact of development activities under Section 73(3) are then presented. The three components are: 1) the ability to relate individual projects to changes in habitat condition; 2) relationships between habitat condition and species vital rates, including considerations for behavioural and sub-lethal effects; and, 3) the relationship between population growth rate and vital rates, explored through elasticity analysis for 143 COSEWIC-assessed species (fishes, freshwater mussels, marine mammals, marine turtles) across five population states (crashing, declining, stable, growing, booming). These components are combined to estimate changes to a species’ population growth rate resulting from a single development activity, and thus also provide an accounting framework to evaluate harm from all activities in a permitting period. The components will require future work to inform taxa-specific functional responses, especially concerning relationships between habitat and vital rates, and sub-lethal effects. Further work is also required to determine the ability to achieve measurable gains in vital rates and populations through offsetting measures, if applied. If adopted into a decision support tool, this body of work would ensure that project decisions around Section 73(3) can be made in a rigorous, transparent, and nationally consistent manner.

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