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Research Document 2023/028

Review of Baseline Monitoring within the Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area

By Cooper, J.A., Jones, O. and Blanchard, M.


In 2015, DFO released the Musquash MPA Ecosystem Monitoring Plan (2014–2019). This plan, listed twelve indicators to monitor the ecological performance of the Musquash Estuary in support of broad conservation objectives. The objective of this review was to provide advice and recommendations as to the extent that data derived from the plan provides a baseline for detecting changes within the Musquash environment. Twenty-four data sets contained information to support at least one of the twelve indicators for productivity, biodiversity, habitat, and pressure threats. The sampling design for each dataset was reviewed in terms of spatial and temporal variability, as well as observed trends. While progress has been made to identify a baseline of information for each indicator, data gaps persist within the current ecosystem-based monitoring plan that has sought to inform on all key species, trophic groups, habitat types, and environments. The ecosystem approach to monitoring requires a diversity of data needs from multiple stakeholders. Developing a robust data management plan that can track available data and identify important data gaps for future planning and collaboration with stakeholders will improve the assessment of baseline information. This Research Document was presented and peer-reviewed at the Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process held virtually on May 11–12, 2021.

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