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Research Document 2023/056

A Subtidal Marine Ecological Classification System to Represent Species Diversity and Distribution Patterns in the Maritimes Region

By Greenlaw, M.E., King, M., Smith, K., and Martin, R.


The need to develop a Hierarchical Marine Ecological Classification System (HMECS) for classifying the structure and distribution of Canada’s marine biota and habitats at multiple spatial scales has been recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally. An HMECS will help ensure that all habitats, communities, and ecosystems are effectively represented in Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks, and ensure that a structured approach is used to consider biodiversity at local, regional, and basin-wide scales during other marine spatial planning and oceans management applications.

A conceptual framework for an HMECS was identified for the Pacific Region, and then harmonized for applicability between the Pacific and Maritimes Regions. The harmonized HMECS contains 11 levels, and approaches for populating Levels 4–8, below the Bioregion level, are discussed.

The conceptual framework was applied in Pacific and Maritimes Regions to provide a systematic and spatially-explicit classification of ecosystems at multiple scales. A database of spatially-referenced information for identifying and locating key ecological properties was developed as part of this exercise. We also developed a set of spatially referenced information that can be integrated with other data layers (e.g., social, economic). These outputs are intended to support marine spatial planning and conservation in both the Pacific and Maritimes Regions, particularly the design of MPA networks.

This paper was presented and peer-reviewed at the September 29–October 2, 2015 zonal meeting on Evaluation of Hierarchical Marine Ecological Classification Systems for Pacific and Maritimes Regions held in Nanaimo, British Columbia. It describes the application of the classification in the Maritimes Region, with a focus on benthic ecosystem attributes two levels below the Bioregion level (Biophysical Domains and Geomorphic Units), including a separate classification for coastal areas. The environmental data used in the application were weighted by previous biological analyses in the region. Methods were proposed for populating the Biotope Level. These classifications will be used to help achieve the representativity criterion for MPA Network design in the Region.

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