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Research Document 2023/058

Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest (AOI)

By Jeffery, N.W., Heaslip, S.G., and Stanley, R.R.E.


The Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest (AOI) summarizes what is known about key physical and biological components of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank ecosystem. These key attributes and description of their ecosystem function can be used to inform the development of Conservation Objectives and management measures, should the study area be established as a Marine Protected Area under Canada’s Oceans Act. The Fundian Channel-Browns Bank is an offshore AOI that includes representative portions of the continental slope, Browns Bank, Georges Basin, the Fundian Channel, and Northeast Channel. Diverse assemblages of fishes and invertebrates are associated with the correspondingly diverse topographic features and unique oceanographic processes of the area. Significant concentrations of corals and sponges have been identified within the Northeastern Channel Coral Conservation Area and southern Browns Bank that are encompassed by the proposed boundaries. High productivity within the AOI is linked to the unique oceanographic features including upwelling and circulation gyres, as well as dynamic features of the warm Gulf Stream. The AOI encompasses an area of highly suitable habitat for juvenile Atlantic Halibut, as well as several depleted species and species at risk including Atlantic Cod (Endangered – COSEWIC), Atlantic Wolffish (Special Concern – SARA), Cusk (Endangered – COSEWIC), Spiny Dogfish (Special Concern – COSEWIC), Smooth Skate (Special Concern – COSEWIC), Thorny Skate (Special Concern – COSEWIC), and White Hake (Threatened – COSEWIC). The area also encompasses foraging habitats for cetaceans, sea turtles and large pelagic fishes such as Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish. The Fundian Channel-Browns Bank area is also noted as important foraging ground for most functional guilds of marine birds, including several species listed by SARA and the IUCN.

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