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Research Document 2023/068

*This information served as the basis of a peer review meeting in 2022 and should be interpreted within the context of the best available science at that time.

Estimating Abundance of Northwest Atlantic Harp Seal Using a Bayesian Modelling Approach

By Tinker, M.T., Stenson, G.B., Mosnier, A., and Hammill, M.O.


In a recent review of the status of the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population, model fit to aerial survey estimates of pup production and annual reproductive rates was poor compared to previous assessments indicating underlying problems relating to model assumptions and/or structure. In this study, a new hierarchical Bayesian state-space model was fitted to the same data on pup production, annual fecundity, human removals, and environmental conditions used in the previous assessment to produce annual estimates of pup production and total abundance from 1952‒2019. Data on age structure based upon random samples were also included, and the process model incorporated environmental stochasticity and several other improvements. The new model estimates were similar to the previous model through 1990 but then diverged, indicating that the population peaked in 1997 at 6.6 million animals, almost a decade earlier than modelled in previous assessments. After a period of decline due to high catches and poor ice conditions, the new model provides an abundance estimate of 4.7 (95% Credibility Interval (CI) 3.7-5.7 ) million in 2019, compared to an estimate of 7.6 (95% CI 6.6-8.8) million in the last assessment. The lower estimates of recent abundance reflect higher and more variable juvenile mortality after 2000 due to a combination of density-dependent and density independent factors operating on juvenile survival. The new model also suggests a decline in equilibrium abundance (K) levels from 7.6 (95% CI=7.4 to 7.8) million Northwest Atlantic harp seals prior to 2000 to 6.8 (95% CI=6.7 to 6.9) million animals post-2000. 

Key words: harp seal, Pagophilous groenlandicus, abundance, climate change, Bayesian model, population dynamics, pup production.

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