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Research Document 2023/072

Guidance for setting reference points for the Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) fishery in the Maritimes Region, and status of the Southwest New Brunswick Sea Cucumber Fishery in 2019

By Martin, R., Greenlaw, M., and Barrett, M.


Commercial harvesting of Sea Cucumbers in the Maritimes Region, specifically Cucumaria frondosa, has occurred since 1999. Current stock status indicators are based on fishery dependent information including catch rates and port sampled split weight, as fishery independent information is lacking. Indicators are presented for all fishing zones and areas that are regularly fished, including Southwest New Brunswick (SWNB) Zone 1, 4W Offshore Zones 1 and 2, 4W Mid-shore Zone F, and 4Vs offshore Area of Access 2 (AOA 2). Catch rates for all areas are presented in kg/m2, and an additional catch rate indicator, kg/hr*m, is also presented for SWNB Zone 1. Limit Reference Points (LRPs) were established for all areas based on their highest mean catch rates (kg/m2), a proxy for virgin biomass (B0). The LRPs were set as 20% of the B0 proxy for all areas, with the exception of SWNB Zone 1 which was set as 30% of the B0 proxy for the kg/hr*m catch rate indicator. The LRP for SWNB Zone 1 is more precautionary due to the risk associated with fishing all known available habitat and consistently declining catch rates since the beginning of the fishery.

An assessment of the SWNB Sea Cucumber population was conducted based on current stock status indicators (catch rates and split weights). Both catch rate (kg/m2 and kg/hr*m) and size-based indicators have been declining since the beginning of the fishery. The fishery does not currently provide the necessary data for a detailed assessment that would evaluate the impacts of the fishery on the SWNB Sea Cucumber stock. Broad guidance for establishing spatial reserves was also discussed and it was recommended, that for a data-limited fishery like this one, at least 30% of expected Sea Cucumber habitat be set aside from fishing.

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