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Research Document 2024/075

Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks within the Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Salmon Fishing Areas 1–14B) in 2022

By Kelly, N.I., Fitzsimmons, M.G., Poole, R., Dempson, J.B., Van Leeuwen, T., Loughlin, K., Lehnert, S., Robertson, M.J., and Bradbury, I.


Twenty-one populations of Atlantic Salmon were monitored in 2022. Adult salmon were enumerated at monitoring facilities (fish counting fences and fishways) on four rivers in Labrador and seventeen rivers in Newfoundland. Atlantic Salmon abundance was estimated on Harry’s River (Salmon Fishing Area [SFA] 13) with a counting fence near Gallants, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) and a late summer snorkel survey below the fence. Atlantic Salmon smolt abundance was obtained at five monitored rivers in Newfoundland during their migration to sea. In 2022, nine of 16 monitored rivers with sufficient time series data showed declines in total returns compared to the previous generation average, five of which declined by >30%. Seven of 13 rivers with sufficient time series data exhibited declines in 2022 total returns compared to the previous three generation average, four of which decreased by >30%. Above average returns were observed on Exploits River and Western Arm Brook in Newfoundland, and on three of four monitored rivers in Labrador. Returns to English River set a record high and were far above average. In contrast, several monitored rivers in Newfoundland had below average returns in 2022, particularly Conne River and Salmon Brook. A stock status zone was designated for 19 of 21 monitored populations in 2022. Just over 50% of the assessed populations across the province were in the Critical Zone. Estimated egg depositions were below the river-specific Limit Reference Point (LRP) (Critical Zone) on one of four assessed rivers in Labrador and nine of the 15 (60%) assessed rivers in Newfoundland. Two of 19 rivers (one in Newfoundland and one in Labrador) were in the Cautious Zone, and seven rivers were in the Healthy Zone (two in Labrador and five in Newfoundland). Marine survival is considered to be a major factor limiting the abundance of returning adult Atlantic Salmon within the NL Region. Smolt to adult survival of the 2021 smolt class averaged over 5% across five monitored rivers in Newfoundland, but ranged from 1.2% for Conne River to 10.7% for Western Arm Brook.

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