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Science Advisory Report  2012/052

Ecosystem Research Initiative Advisory Report: Forage Species Responsible for the Presence of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the St. Lawrence Estuary


This document provides information on: (1) the effect of natural processes and factors on the abundance and distribution of forage species (euphausiids, or krill) that are likely to impact the distribution of blue whales, and (2) the impact of human activity on the dynamic of some of the ecosystem’s key species and the consequences of this on the whales’ use of resources.

Issue: Forage species – Krill distribution

Issue: Forage species – Estuary supply and connectivity between regions

Issue: Forage species – Blue whale habitats in the St. Lawrence

Issue: Impact of marine traffic noise

Issue: Pollutants

Issue: Indicators

This science advisory report is from the February 14–16, 2012 meeting on the St. Lawrence Estuary Ecosystem Research Initiative: formulation of scientific advice in support of ecosystem management. Additional publications from this process will be posted as they become available on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science Advisory Schedule.

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