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Science Response 2023/006

Stock Status Update of Lobster (Homarus americanus) in Lobster Fishing Area 35 for 2022


The scientific basis for assessing the status of American Lobster (Homarus americanus) in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 35 was reviewed at an assessment framework review meeting in September 2019 (Cook et al. In press), followed by an assessment of the status of the Lobster resources in LFA 35 in October 2019 (DFO 2021a), and yearly Stock Status Updates (DFO 2021b, DFO 2022). One primary indicator and three secondary indicators that describe changes in Lobster abundance and biomass were defined; reference points for the primary indicator were also defined. A suite of indicators is applied in this update from the 2019 assessment framework to update the stock status to the end of the 2022-2022 fishing season, where data are available. As the fishing season spans two calendar years, each season is referred to using the year the season ended, i.e., the 2021–2022 season will be referred to throughout as the 2022 season.

This Science Response Report results from the Regional Peer Review of September 2, 2022, on the Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 35.

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