Science Response 2025/010
Gulf of St. Lawrence NAFO Division 4T American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) and 4RST Witch Flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) Stock Indicators to 2024
Science Advice
- 4T American Plaice: The indicator shows that the stock is currently below its scaled limit reference point (LRP) and in the Critical Zone of the Precautionary Approach (PA) Framework.
- 4T Winter Flounder: The indicator shows that the stock is currently below its scaled LRP and in the Critical Zone of the PA Framework.
- 4T Yellowtail Flounder: The indicator shows that the stock is currently below its scaled LRP and in the Critical Zone of the PA Framework.
- 4RST Witch Flounder: The indicator shows that the stock is currently above its scaled LRP, but below it scaled Upper Stock Reference (USR) and in the Cautious Zone of the PA Framework.
- 4T American Plaice: The indicator is at its lowest levels and has continued to decline since the mid 1990s.
- 4T Winter Flounder: The indicator has remained at low levels and varied without trend since 2004.
- 4T Yellowtail Flounder: The indicator is at its lowest levels and varied without trend since 2010.
- 4RST Witch Flounder: After a positive trend from 2010 to 2022, the indicator decreased in 2023 and 2024. The indicator has decreased by 11% between 2022 and 2024.
Ecosystem and Climate Change Considerations
- Ecosystem and climate change considerations were identified in the most recent stock assessments and were not further updated or reviewed during this interim year update. These considerations remain valid.
- High predation-driven natural mortality remains an important factor influencing the population dynamics of 4T American Plaice, Yellowtail Flounder and Winter Flounder.
Stock Advice
- The most recent stock advice are still valid. Full stock assessments are planned for 2026 (4T Winter Flounder and 4T Yellowtail Flounder) and 2027 (4T American Plaice and 4RST Witch Flounder).
- Given the Critical status of 4T American Plaice, Yellowtail Flounder and Winter Flounder, continued fishery removals from all sources should be kept at the lowest possible level (DFO 2009).
This Fisheries Science Response Report is from the regional peer review from December 11, 2024 on the Gulf of St. Lawrence NAFO Division 4T American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) and 4RST Witch Flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) Interim Stock Indicators Update to 2024.
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