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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/025

Observations on the blue shark (Prionace glauco) in the North Atlantic

By R.N. O'Boyle; G.M. Fowler; P.C.F. Hurley; M. A. Showell; W.T. Stobo; C. Jones


Blue shark has been caught primarily as a by-catch to other fisheries, although interest in directed fishing and particularly recreational fishing has grown in recent years. There is very little knowledge of either the catch or level of effort on this resource. Due to the lack of information, the Precautionary Catch Level of 250t in 1995 as outlined in the Shark Management Plan was not based on biological assessment. Compared to the other sharks, blue shark offers some potential for a sustainable fishery and perhaps a focus for recreational interests. However, the level of by-catch and incidental mortality in other fisheries needs to be determined. Therefore, commercial effort should not be expanded until there is better documentation of the by-catch in other fisheries.

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