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Terms of Reference

Zonal Workshop

Review of Potential Risks and Best Management Practices Associated With Conservation Stocking of American Eels

March 27-28
Montreal, QC
Chairperson: Thomas Pratt


American eel (Anguilla rostrata) has declined in the Lake Ontario / St. Lawrence ecoregion, and as a result, the experimental stocking of young American eels for conservation purposes has occurred in both Quebec and Ontario. Due to their complex life history, the stocking of American eels is not without risks.

A zonal workshop is planned by DFO Science to assess the potential risks associated with the conservation stocking of American eels and to provide advice on minimizing the potential risks. In addition, the workshop will inform on best management practices for stocking young American eels.


Potential Risks of American Eel Stocking for Conservation Purposes

Review Technical Information on American Eel Stocking Practices


The workshop will generate a proceedings report summarizing the deliberations of the workshop attendees, and outlining the guiding principles for the conservation stocking of American eels. This will be published in the CSAS Proceedings Series. Possibility of producing CSAS Research documents from the working papers submitted for review.

Location and Dates

Hotel Delta Montreal, 475 President Kennedy Avenue, Montreal, Quebec

March 27 8:30am – March 28 4:30 pm


Participation at the workshop will involve DFO Science (Central and Arctic, Maritimes and Gulf regions), the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, stakeholders and recognized international experts. The list of participants will not exceed a maximum of 35.

Timetable for FY 2006/07:

Draft proceedings will be circulated to participants for comments by mid-April, 2007 and a final proceedings document is expected to be submitted to CSAS for publication by the end of May, 2007.

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