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Terms of Reference

Meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Advisory Process (RAP) on Northern (2J3KL) Cod

Clovelly Golf Club, Stavanger Drive, St. John’s, NL
March 27-30, 2007
EPS Boardroom, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre
80 East White Hills Road, St. John’s, NL
April 2-4, 2007

Meeting Chairperson:
Don Power, Section Head, Groundfish Section, Aquatic Resources Division, Science Branch, DFO, Newfoundland and Labrador Region.


The status of Divisions 2J3KL cod was last assessed in 2006. The current assessment is requested by Fisheries and Aquaculture Management to provide the Minister with detailed advice on the status of the stock and the implications of a possible small scale cod fishery on the inshore portion of this stock in 2007.


Full assessment of the stock status of the following resource will be reviewed:

Specifically, the following objectives have been set:

In addition, an overview of ocean climate conditions during 2006, in comparison to the historical record, will be presented.


A Science Advisory Report (SAR) and associated research document(s) will be produced. A Proceedings Report will record the meeting discussions.


The following participants are expected to attend:

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