Terms of Reference
Impacts of increases in fishing effort on White Hake (Urophycis tenuis), Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Population
Regional Advisory Meeting – Gulf Region
February 17, 2021
Virtual meeting
Chairperson: Amélie Rondeau
The southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) White Hake population has been assessed as Endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). Current mortality estimates for White Hake in bycatch fisheries were determined, in the last Recovery Potential Assessment (DFO 2016/034), to have negligible effects on the population trajectory because of the extremely high natural mortality rates experienced by this population. However, if fishing effort is increased as proposed with the expansion of the Redfish fishery, the impacts of bycatch fisheries on this population may no longer be considered negligible. The Species at Risk Program (SARP) would like to identify whether the increase in catch levels for Redfish will increase the probability of extinction, either premature or in longer terms, of sGSL White Hake population and if there may be the potential for management measures that could be implemented to reduce White Hake bycatch in this Redfish fishery.
SARP requires this information in anticipation of a listing recommendation for sGSL White Hake. In the development of management scenarios as part of the listing process, assumptions were made that bycatch fisheries could be permitted under the SARA listing scenario. However, catch level increases in the Redfish fishery may change the ability to issue permits for these fisheries if bycatch-related mortality becomes significant and jeopardizes species survival. SARP needs to know the allowable harm levels and the likelihood of the Redfish fishery reaching these levels with proposed catch level increases. In the absence of a listing decision, this information will be necessary for the development of an alternative approach plan, which is required for species that are not listed under SARA.
Based on the Precautionary Approach model, Resource Management (RM) will be using the produced science advise as a guiding piece to evaluate the scale and extent of White Hake total and fishery-specific bycatch removals and the potential impacts associated with increased catch levels in the Redfish fishery in order to develop viable options for a rebuilding plan for the sGSL White Hake stock.
- To provide up-to-date mortality estimates for sGSL White Hake as bycatch in directed fisheries, as well as total mortality of all bycatch fisheries.
- To provide an estimate of the potential changes in White Hake mortality at various Redfish catch levels.
- To identify the proportion of the potential Redfish fishing effort that overlaps with White Hake grounds and where this overlap is the greatest.
- To provide information and seasonal variations on the distribution of White Hake in the deeper waters where they now occur.
- To provide the distribution of White Hake along the Laurentian slope and determine areas would be less prone to bycatch.
Expected Publications
- Science Advisory Report
- Research Document
Expected Participation
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (Ecosystems and Oceans Science, and Ecosystems and Fisheries Management)
- Fishing industry
- Aboriginal organizations
- External experts
- COSEWIC. 2013. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the White Hake Urophycis tenuis in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. xiii + 45 pp.
- DFO. 2016. Recovery Potential Assessment for White Hake (Urophycis tenuis): Population of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2016/034.
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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