Terms of Reference
Assessment of Redfish Stocks (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus) in Units 1 and 2 in 2021
Zonal Advisory Meeting - Quebec and Newfoundland & Labrador Regions
February 21-24 and March 16, 2022
Virtual meeting
Chairpersons: Marie-Julie Roux and Keith Lewis
Redfish in Units 1 and 2 consists of two different stocks: Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus. These stocks are distributed in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in the Laurentian Channel and Laurentian Fan Regions south of Newfoundland, and northeast of Nova Scotia. Redfish in Unit 1 has been under a commercial fishery moratorium since 1995. An index fishery has been authorized since 1998, with a total annual quota of 2,000 metric tonnes (t) since 1999, and an experimental fishery has been authorized since 2018. With respect to Unit 2 Redfish, the TAC has been annually set at 8,500 t per year since 2006. The recent appearance of three large cohorts in both Units (2011, 2012 and 2013) has increased the abundance and biomass of Redfish above the historical average. Based on the last assessment (DFO 2020), S. mentella and S. fasciatus were respectively in the healthy and cautious zone of the DFO Precautionary Approach Framework. The impending recruitment to marketable size of 2011-2013 Redfish across Units 1 and 2 is expected to affect the perception of stock status and fishing opportunities. The current assessment is requested by the Fisheries Management Branch to provide the Minister with detailed advice on the status of Units 1 and 2 Redfish in order to inform management decisions for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 fishing seasons.
Provide scientific advice on the status of S. mentella and S. fasciatus stocks in Units 1 and 2. This advice will include:
- Ecosystem considerations including relevant summaries of oceanographic conditions and ecological interactions (e.g. predator, prey);
- Description of the biology of Units 1 and 2 Redfish;
- Description of Redfish fisheries in Units 1 and 2 including landings per NAFO divisions, months and gears, length frequencies, and standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) when available;
- Description of bycatch in the Redfish fisheries based on logbook and at-sea-observers data including bycatch percentages (bycatch/Redfish biomass), distribution maps, depth profiles, and length frequency for the main species of concern (e.g. main commercial species, species having a COSEWIC status);
- Possible strategies for the reduction of non-targeted bycatch and small Redfish catch (less than 22 cm) in Redfish fisheries in Units 1 and 2;
- Update of abundance and biomass indices from industry and DFO surveys, including size structure and geographic distribution of catches;
- Implementation of the new maturity ogives to estimate spawning stock biomass;
- Update of stock status relative to the reference points for each species;
- Provide short-term stock perspectives based on available indicators;
- Present progress and results of ongoing scientific projects to better inform Redfish stock assessment (Acoustic indicators, RedTanks laboratory experiments, Catch monitoring);
- Identification of key knowledge gaps and research priorities.
Expected Publications
- Science Advisory Report
- Proceedings
- Research Document
Expected Participation
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (Science and Ecosystems and Fisheries Management sectors)
- Indigenous Organizations
- Provincial Representatives
- Fishing Industry
- Academics and Other External Experts
- DFO. 2020. Redfish (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus) Stocks Assessment in Units 1 and 2 in 2019. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2020/019.
- Senay, C., Ouellette-Plante, J., Bourdages, H., Bermingham, T., Gauthier, J., Parent, G., Chabot, D., and Duplisea, D. 2021. Unit 1 Redfish (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus) stock status in 2019 and updated information on population structure, biology, ecology, and current fishery closures. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2021/015. xi + 119 p.
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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