Terms of Reference
Western Component Pollock Management Strategy Evaluation Review – Part 1: Data Inputs
Regional Advisory Meeting – Maritimes Region
March 7–9, 2022
Virtual Meeting
Chairperson: Tara McIntyre
Pollock (Pollachius virens) in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 4VWX5 comprise two population components: a slower-growing Eastern Component including Divisions 4V and 4W, as well as Subdivisions 4Xm and 4Xn, and a faster-growing Western Component (WC) including 4Xopqrs and Canadian portions of Division 5. The WC has been the main focus of past analytical assessments, but scientific advice on stock status and catch limits using Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) modeling became highly variable in the mid-2000s (Stone 2011).
In 2011, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) fisheries managers and the fishing industry decided to manage Western Component (WC) Pollock using a risk-management approach and embarked on a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) process, with the help of government scientists and outside experts (DFO 2011). The MSE was intended to undergo review in 2016, but DFO resource limitations and the inception of an acoustic index resulted in a deferral of that review until 2021. This meeting comprises the first of three, and is expected to address the Data Inputs step in the revision of the WC Pollock MSE.
The objective of this meeting is to review and update the data inputs available for the WC Pollock MSE. Specifically:
- Review and update data inputs from commercial fishery including landings, distribution, catch at age and size composition.
- Report on commercial fishery bycatch, notable changes and comment on limitations of the current approach.
- Review and update data inputs from the ecosystem survey including the bottom trawl biomass index, acoustic index, spatial distribution, catch at age, size composition, condition and mortality. Discuss other sources of fishery independent information and their limitations.
- Explore various ecosystem interactions and environmental conditions, along with available data sources, which could be incorporated into the assessment.
- Summarize any major sources of uncertainty from the data inputs, as pertinent to the revision of the Pollock MSE, and comment on implications for modeling and projections.
Expected Publications
- Proceedings
- Research Document(s)
Expected Participation
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries Management
- Provincial government representatives
- Indigenous communities/organizations
- Fishing Industry
- Non-government organizations
- DFO. 2011. Western Component (4Xopqrs5) Pollock Management Strategy Evaluation. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2011/054.
- Stone, H.H. 2011. 2010 Pollock Assessment Update for the Western Component 4Xopqrs5; pp. 21–96. In: J.M. Porter and V. Docherty, Chairpersons. Proceedings of 4X5 Pollock Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop – 2010. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2945.
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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