Terms of Reference
Scallop stock assessment in Quebec coastal waters (management units 15 to 20)
Regional Peer Review - Quebec Region
March 8-9, 2023
Mont-Joli, Quebec
Co-Chairs: Charley Cyr and Hacène Tamdrari
In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, two species of scallops are commercially fished, namely the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) and the Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica). The scallop fishery is an inshore fishery using the Digby dredge and catches are landed mostly as meat (muscle). Given the difficulty in visually distinguishing between the meat of the two species, commercial fishing statistics are presented regardless of the species. However, catches in any one area usually consist of just one species. Quebec waters are divided into 24 fishing areas to which access is limited to a small number of fishermen. Fishing effort is controlled by a fishing season and catches are limited by quotas or by a limited number of fishing days. At the request of the Fisheries Management Branch, resource assessment is done every three years. The last scallop stock review was done in 2020. The objective of the review is to determine whether changes that have occurred in the stock status necessitate adjustments to management plans based on the conservation approach used.
Provide scientific advice on the management of scallop stocks in Quebec’s inshore waters (management units 15 to 20) for the 2023-2025 fishing seasons. This advice shall include:
- Description of the biology of scallop and its distribution in Quebec’s coastal waters;
- Description of the fishery including landings, fishing effort and management measures specific to the fishing areas;
- Analysis of catch per unit effort from the fishery;
- Analysis of data from the commercial at-sea and dockside sampling program;
- Analysis of data gathered during research surveys in unit 16E, 16F (Mingan), and 20 (Magdalen Islands);
- Presentation of significant environmental data for these species in actively fished areas;
- Presentation of a stock assessment model for Area 16E and a suggested limit reference point (LRP) for this area;
- Presentation of the most recent knowledge from Iceland scallop research projects;
- A review of the decision rule for the adjustment of fishing effort in the Magdalen Islands;
- Identification of indicators to follow the stock status during the years without a formal stock assessment;
- The identification and priorization of research projects to be considered for the future;
- Perspectives for the 20023-2025 fishing seasons.
Expected Publications
- Science Advisory Report
- Research Document
- Proceedings
Expected Participation
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (Science, and Ecosystems and Fisheries Management sectors)
- Fishing industry
- Provincial representatives
- Aboriginal communities/organizations
- External experts
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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