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Terms of Reference

Stock Status Update of Offshore Scallop: Browns Bank North and Georges Bank ‘a’

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

April 11, 2023
Virtual Meeting

Chairperson: Rabindra Singh


The purpose of this science response process is to update the stock status of offshore scallop on Browns Bank North and Georges Bank ‘a’. The last full assessment of these stocks was in 2013 (DFO 2013a,b; Hubley et al. 2013) and the last updates were conducted in 2022 (DFO 2022 a,b). The assessment and advice presented in the Browns Bank North update uses the framework established in 2011 (Hubley et al. 2011) for Browns Bank North only. Browns Bank South is a marginal growth area for scallops and has separate management measures. The assessment and advice presented in the Georges Bank update uses the framework established in 2009 (Jonsen et al. 2009), and is for the main fishery on Georges Bank ‘a’ only. Georges Bank ‘b’ is a marginal growth area for scallops and has separate management measures. Some elements of the fishery in Georges Bank ‘b’ are also presented for historical purposes. This science response process uses key results from the last assessments with data from 2022, to provide science advice for the management of the 2023 offshore scallop fishery on Browns Bank North and Georges Bank ‘a’.


The objectives of this science response process are to:

Expected Publications

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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