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Status and Trends of Atlantic Cod ('Golden Cod') in the Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area

Regional Peer Review - Newfoundland & Labrador Region

September 19-20, 2023

St. John's, NL and Hybrid

Co-Chairs: Amanda Park and Nadine Wells


The Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established in 2005 with the objective of protecting and conserving a unique population of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) and its habitat. The Atlantic Cod population in Gilbert Bay (hereafter referred to as Gilbert Bay cod) has been monitored since 1998. The monitoring framework developed for Gilbert Bay is based upon the conservation objective, against specific threats to the unique cod population. The MPA monitoring program was reviewed in 2009 and several indicators, protocols, and strategies were adopted as the Gilbert Bay MPA scientific monitoring program. This Regional Peer Review process for the Gilbert Bay MPA will be used to provide advice for the next cycle of Gilbert Bay MPA Management. Updates to the current management strategy may be required depending on the status of Gilbert Bay cod. This information will be used by the Gilbert Bay MPA advisory committee for consideration in updating the management plan, including amended and/or expanded conservation measures and monitoring strategies.


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Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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