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Terms of Reference

Northern (2J3KL) Atlantic Cod Assessment Framework

Regional Peer Review - Newfoundland & Labrador Region

October 16-20, 2023

St. John's, NL and Virtual Meeting

Chairperson: Mark Simpson


Northern (2J3KL) Atlantic cod is one of 30 stocks that are subject to the Fish Stocks Provisions (FSP) that came into force through regulations on April 4, 2022. As Northern cod is below its Limit Reference Point (LRP), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is currently developing a Rebuilding Plan (RP) for this stock that meets the requirements of the FSP.

The last Framework meeting for Northern cod was held in 2015 (DFO 2016). Because science for Northern cod has advanced since that time, a framework process is required to review and implement revisions to the assessment approach for this stock. Results from this meeting will inform future stock assessments and the development of the RP for Northern cod.


Review changes to the existing assessment of Northern cod related to:

Explore stock-recruit relationships and, if appropriate, update the LRP.

Review approaches to quantify the effects of Capelin and seals on the cod stock and, if appropriate, the potential integration of these effects into the assessment.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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