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Terms of Reference

Review of the precautionary approach and projected harvest level options for the fishery for northern shrimp stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence

Regional Peer Review - Quebec Region

October 25, 2023

Mont-Joli, Québec

Chairperson: Stéphane Plourde


The review of the precautionary approach for northern shrimp stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence began in 2020–2021. In the spring of 2021, a working group, made up of representatives of DFO (Science and Fisheries Management sectors), industry, the provincial governments of Quebec and the Maritime provinces, and Indigenous groups, was created to develop a proposed precautionary approach for these stocks. This process was to include the determination of a limit reference point, upper stock reference point and target reference point (LRP, USR and TRP respectively), as well as harvest decision rule scenarios.

In parallel, at a CSAS meeting on June 28, 2023 in Mont-Joli, the review of the new assessment model and stock assessment areas was completed (CSAS research documents under review), providing a basis for the development of the new precautionary approach.

The Fisheries Management (FM) Branch has asked DFO Science to determine if the proposed reference points and decision rules are consistent with the principles of the precautionary approach. In addition, FM has requested science advice on the management of these stocks for the 2024 fishing season based on the new precautionary approach.


The objective of the meeting is to review the precautionary approach framework developed for the management of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence northern shrimp stocks and to provide scientific advice for the management of these stocks for the 2024 fishing season. This advice will include for each of the four stocks (Estuary, Sept-Îles, Anticosti and Esquiman):

Expected Publication

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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