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Assessment Framework Review for Atlantic Cod in NAFO Subdivision 5Z: Part 1 - Review of Data Inputs

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

November 14-16, 2023

St. Andrews, NB and virtual meeting

Chairperson: Tara McIntyre


Eastern Georges Bank (EGB; NAFO area 5Zjm) is bisected by an international maritime boundary between the United States of America (US) and Canada, with active fisheries on each side. EGB Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) is a transboundary resource assessed collaboratively by Canada and US since 1998, through the Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee (TRAC) joint peer review process. Attempts have been made under the TRAC benchmark process to develop a modeling framework to accurately represent the population dynamics of the EGB Cod stock in 2002, 2009, and 2013. The models developed in the last benchmark were formally rejected by the TRAC in 2018, following several years of poor model performance and increasingly problematic model diagnostics (Ford and Sosebee 2018).

In parallel to the TRAC process, multiple domestic US processes have been conducted to develop a modeling framework for the larger Georges Bank Unit (NAFO 5Z+6, 5Zjmghno). The most recent one was held in 2023 and developed a modeling framework for a transboundary Cod unit consisting of NAFO 5Zjmghno. Canada did participate as an active partner in the US process due to resource limitations and timing conflicts with ongoing domestic Canadian processes.

Although EGB Cod is a transboundary stock, there are requirements under Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) fishery decision making framework incorporating the precautionary approach (PA framework; DFO 2009) for the domestic management of the Canadian fishery. One component of the PA framework is to define reference points, which has not been possible since the rejection of the EGB cod modeling framework in 2018. Consequently, DFO Science has initiated a framework review process to develop a new modeling framework and the associated reference points to provide advice for the status of the transboundary Cod stock. This meeting will provide a review of the data inputs and will be followed by additional peer review meetings to review population modelling approaches and PA-compliant reference points.


The objective of this meeting is to review and update the data inputs available for transboundary cod. Specifically:

  1. Summarize current assessment approaches in Canada and the US applied to transboundary cod.
  2. Review and update data inputs from commercial fishery including landings, distribution, catch at age and size composition for the Canadian fishery. Present equivalent data products from the US fishery.
  3. Review and update data inputs from the available surveys including the biomass indices, spatial distribution, catch at age, size composition, condition, growth and mortality.
  4. Explore various ecosystem interactions and environmental conditions, along with available data sources, that could be incorporated into the assessment.
  5. Summarize any major sources of uncertainty from the data inputs and comment on implications for modeling and projections.

Expected Publication

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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