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Terms of Reference

Stock assessment of Atlantic Surfclam of the Magdalen Islands

Regional Peer Review - Quebec Region

February 29, 2024

Mont-Joli, QC

Chairperson: Charley Cyr


In Québec, the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishery is practiced exclusively in the Magdalen Islands. The fishery is conducted in two different ways, either by boat with a hydraulic dredge in coastal waters, or manually on foot or while diving in lagoons or near the coast. In addition, hand digging may be recreational or commercial. Dredge fishing Area 5 is divided into four sub-areas while manual commercial fishing is counted by shellfish area. The fishery is regulated by different management measures as a minimum legal size of 90 mm and quotas of landings in sub-areas 5A1, 5A2 and 5B1, while sub-area 5B2 is regulated by a competitive fishery. At the request of the Fisheries Management Branch, resource assessment is done every three years, with some exceptions. The last Atlantic surfclam stock assessment was done in 2019. The objective of the review is to determine whether changes that have occurred in the stock status necessitate adjustments to management plan and management measures based on the conservation approach used.


Provide scientific advice on the management of Magdalen Islands Atlantic surfclam stocks for the 2024-2026 fishing seasons. This advice shall include:

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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