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Evaluation of a framework for offsetting increases in underwater noise from marine shipping associated with major development projects: A case study applying a noise offset framework to the TMX Project and its impact on the Southern Resident Killer Whale

National Peer Review - National Captial Region

March 12 - 14, 2024

Vancouver, BC

Chairpersons: Gilles Olivier and Sean MacConnachie


In 2019, the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) recommended that the Governor in Council (GIC) develop an Offset Program to offset increases in underwater noise from marine shipping associated with the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) project and reduce adverse effects on at-risk marine species, including the Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW). In response to the CER’s recommendations, the GIC committed to continue to support and implement noise management measures that would help address effects on the SRKW, and to monitor and adaptively manage these measures.

To support this commitment, DFO’s Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program (FFHPP) developed a noise offset framework to apply an evidence-based, scientifically robust, quantitative method to determine the extent that shipping noise from major development projects could be offset through management measures. DFO’s Ecosystems and Oceans Science sector supported the development of this framework through the implementation of a comprehensive SRKW noise monitoring program in the TMX marine shipping area to achieve the following: (i) establish an underwater noise baseline, (ii) support the development of an underwater vessel noise model to predict incremental increases in noise levels from project related vessels, and (iii) evaluate the effectiveness of specific underwater noise management measures.

The development of the noise offset framework was informed by the guiding principles of biodiversity offsetting and previous science advice that recommended aiming for a no-net increase in noise from project-related shipping. The framework was further informed by the outcomes of a workshop with DFO Science subject matter experts in 2021. As the framework is a novel potential tool, FFHPP is requesting that DFO Science review and evaluate the following components of the framework and how they would be applied in a case study using projected increases in underwater noise from TMX-related vessels in the Salish Sea and its potential impact on the SRKW:


  1. Evaluate the components that make up the noise offset framework proposed by the FFHPP, as well as risks and uncertainties of using this framework generally.
    1. Spatial and temporal boundaries
    2. Noise baseline
    3. Incremental project noise
    4. Management measures
    5. Offset ratio
    6. Application of offsets
  2. Case study: Evaluate the application of the noise offset framework proposed by FFHPP in the context of offsetting increases in underwater noise from TMX-related vessels and its potential impact on the SRKW. Identify any risks and uncertainties with the proposed approaches, and where applicable, identify alternative approaches.
    1. Spatial and temporal boundaries
      1. Evaluate the scientific merits and limitations of the approach taken to define the marine shipping area, sub-regions and time periods within the TMX case study area.
    2. Noise baseline
      1. Evaluate the scientific merits and limitations of the methods and metrics used to quantify the underwater noise baseline levels in the case study area.
    3. Incremental project noise
      1. Evaluate the scientific merits and limitations of the methods and metrics used to quantify the projected increases in underwater noise levels from TMX-related vessels in the case study area.
    4. Management measures
      1. Evaluate the scientific merits and limitations of the methods and metrics used to quantify changes in underwater noise levels as a result of implementing management measures aimed at reducing underwater noise levels in the TMX case study area.
    5. Offset ratio
      1. Evaluate the SRKW-specific criteria used for the offset ratio and how they were assigned a relative weight(s) to establish habitat equivalency within the TMX case study area.
    6. Application of offsets
      1. Evaluate the approach used to demonstrate the extent to which measures could counterbalance effects of incremental project noise.
      2. Are there spatial or temporal limits to applying this approach?
      3. What factors, biological or other, should be considered?

    Expected Publications

    • Science Advisory Report
    • Research Document

    Expected Participation

    • DFO – Ecosystems and Oceans Science
    • DFO – Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
    • Transport Canada
    • Academia
    • Environmental non-government organizations


    • DFO. 2017. Technical Review of Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Environmental Impact Statement and Marine Shipping Supplemental Report: Effects on Marine Mammals. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Science Response 2017/001.
    • DFO. 2018. Potential Effects of the Construction of Marine Terminals in the Saguenay Fjord on the St. Lawrence Beluga Whale and its Habitat. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Science Response 2018/025.


    Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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