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Science Advice to Support the Rebuilding Plan for the Spring Spawning Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) Stock in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, NAFO Division 4TVn

Regional Peer Review – Gulf Region

March 21-22, 2024

Hilton Garden Inn, Moncton

Chairperson: Stephanie Boudreau


Under the recently modernized Fisheries Act, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is required to develop and implement rebuilding plans for prescribed major stocks listed in regulation that decline to or below their limit reference point (LRP), taking into account the biology of the fish and the environmental conditions affecting the stock. Updated Departmental guidance (DFO 2022) was also recently provided to support the development of rebuilding plans under DFO’s policy, “A fishery decision-making framework incorporating the precautionary approach” (PA policy). Science advice was requested by Fisheries and Harbour Management to support development of the rebuilding plan for the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) 4TVn) Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) spring spawning stock. This advice will be used to help meet the requirements of the legislation for prescribed major fish stocks, including the regulation defining the necessary contents of rebuilding plans required under the Act. It will also be used to meet the requirements of rebuilding plans for stocks managed under the PA policy.


  1. Rebuilding plan section: Stock Status and Stock Trends
    • Describe stock status trends with respect to the stock reference points.
  2. Rebuilding plan section: Probable Causes of the Stock’s Decline
    • Provide an overview of probable factors that have led to the decline of the species and/or those that may affect rebuilding.
    • Identify the relative contribution of the probable causes to the decline, or those affecting or preventing rebuilding. Identify knowledge gaps.
    • Identify whether habitat loss or degradation is likely or unlikely to have contributed to the stock's decline.
  3. Rebuilding plan section: Measurable Objectives Aimed at Rebuilding the Stock
    • 3a. Rebuilding Target and Timeline
      • Provide advice on candidate rebuilding targets for the stock, taking into account biology and the environmental conditions affecting the stock, and the desired probability of the stock being above the LRP (to be provided by fisheries management, when applicable) when the stock has achieved the rebuilding target.
    • 3b. Additional Measurable Objectives and Timelines
      • Provide advice on other measurable stock conservation objectives
  4. Rebuilding plan section: Management Measures Aimed at Achieving the Objectives
    • Advise on and evaluate the likelihood of potential management measures achieving the rebuilding objectives.
    • Identify whether stock is more likely to decline than grow under conditions of no fishing.
    • Assess the bycatch of spring herring in the fall herring fishery.
    • Model the level of natural mortality and recruitment necessary to halt/reverse the decline.
  5. Rebuilding plan section: Methods to Track Progress Toward Achieving Objectives
    • Advise on how to measure progress (setting performance metrics) against the objectives to achieve the target, particularly those related to the stock’s status.
  6. Rebuilding plan section: Periodic Review of the Rebuilding Plan
    • Advise on frequency of monitoring and assessment activities, including interim updates.
    • Advise on exceptional circumstances under which it may be desirable to invoke a sooner-than-planned review of the rebuilding plan.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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