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Development of a precautionary approach for scallop stocks in area 16F on Quebec's North Shore

Regional Peer Review – Quebec Region

March 27, 2024

Mont-Joli, QC

Chairperson: Charley Cyr


In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, two species of scallops are commercially fished, namely the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) and the Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica). The scallop fishery is an inshore fishery using the Digby dredge and catches are landed mostly as meat (muscle). Given the difficulty in visually distinguishing between the meat of the two species, commercial fishing statistics are presented regardless of the species. However, catches in any one area usually consist of just one species. Area 16EF scallop stocks were identified as a priority for a rebuilding plan in response to recommendation 2.63 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development in his 2016 audit report "Sustaining Canada's Major Fish Stocks - Fisheries and Oceans Canada". DFO has committed to setting targets and timelines for the establishment of precautionary approach catch control rules related to the major stocks managed by the Department for which no such rules exist. Scallop stocks 16E and 16F are also proposed for Batch 2 of the fish stock provisions of the Fisheries Act. Under these provisions, DFO has an obligation to maintain major fish stocks at levels necessary to promote sustainability, and to develop and implement rebuilding plans for stocks that have declined below their limit reference point (LRP). À la demande du Bureau de la Commissaire à l'environnement et au développement durable (CEDD), un point de référence limite a été proposé et approuvé pour la zone 16E lors de la dernière revue des stocks de pétoncle en mars 2023. Un point de référence limite pour la zone 16F doit aussi être proposé et approuvé en raison de sa situation incertaine, de la diminution observée des PUE au cours des dernières années et d’autres indicateurs qui laissent croire que ce stock est surexploité. At the request of the Fisheries Management Branch, a limit reference point was proposed and approved for Area 16E during the last scallop stock assessment in March 2023. A limit reference point for Area 16F should also be proposed and approved, given its uncertain status, the observed decline in CPUE in recent years, and other indicators suggesting that this stock is overexploited.


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