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Terms of Reference

Conservation Implications of Moving the Northern Boundary of the Eastern Hudson Bay Arc Region Total Allowable Take Zone South of Its Current Location

Regional Peer Review - Quebec Region

April 12, 2024

Virtual meeting

Chairperson: Jean-Francois Gosselin


In 2020, the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB) renewed the Nunavik Beluga Management Plan for a five year period (2021 to 2026). Existing management measures include a total allowable take (TAT) of 20 belugas in the Eastern Arc zone Region, and Non-Quota Limitations (NQL) in respect of beluga harvesting elsewhere within the Nunavik Marine Region. In December 2023, the Anguvigaq (“Regional Nunavimmi Uumajulirijiit Katutjiqatigiinninga or RNUK”) informed the NMRWB that the location of the northern boundary of the Eastern Hudson Bay (EHB) Arc Region TAT zone is disputed by local knowledge holders, resulting in impacts on the affected communities, Inukjuak in particular. The Anguvigaq recommended that the northern boundary be reassessed based on the best available scientific information and Inuit knowledge, and that moving the boundary further south be considered. In response to this request, the NMRWB elected to hold public hearings to consult with communities of the eastern Hudson Bay area on the conservation and Inuit Rights significance of changing the northern boundary of the EHB Arc Region TAT zone. In preparation for this public hearing, the NMRWB requested that Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) provide a scientific review of the conservation implications that such a change in the TAT zone would have for the EHB beluga stock. DFO Fisheries Management has requested that Science Branch provides a review of the conservation implications that a change in the Eastern Hudson Bay Arc TAT zone would have for the Belcher Islands-Eastern Hudson Bay (BEL-EHB) beluga stock. The Science Response arising from this Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) will represent public information shared for consideration during the public hearing carried out by the NMRWB about the possibility to move the northern boundary of the Eastern Hudson Bay Arc TAT further south. In addition, this Science Response will inform the NMRWB about conservations implications of such a modification to the management plan.


The specific objectives of this regional peer review process are to:

  1. Review the existing data on BEL-EHB beluga spatiotemporal distribution to quantify the seasonal occurrence of beluga whales in the northern portion of the Eastern Hudson Bay Arc.
  2. Examine whether genetics data can provide insights relative to the contribution of the BEL and EHB genetic populations in the Inukjuak harvest.
  3. Examine and identify uncertainties in the available data, and provide recommendations for future research that would improve our understanding of the conservation implications of moving the northern boundary of the BEL-EHB beluga TAT zone south of its current location.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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