Terms of Reference
Framework Review for Atlantic Cod in NAFO Division 5Z: Part 2 - Modelling Review and Interim Advice for Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Stock Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank
Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region
July 8-12. 2024
St. Andrews, NB
Chairperson: Tara McIntyre
Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) and Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) are caught as part of a multi-species groundfish fishery on eastern Georges Bank (EGB) that is jointly managed by Canada and the United States (U.S.). Since 1998, the assessment of these stocks has been conducted jointly by Canada and the U.S. and peer reviewed at the annual Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) meeting. The results of these stock assessments and joint catch advice produced at the TRAC meeting have been provided to the Transboundary Management Guidance Committee (TMGC) in support of their process to develop guidance for Canadian and U.S. management authorities in the form of harvest strategies, resource sharing, and management processes.
Starting in 2024, assessments and advice to support the joint management of EGB Cod and Haddock will be developed separately by Canadian and U.S. science authorities through their respective domestic peer-review processes. In support of the decision-making process for the 2025 fishing year, DFO Resource Management has requested advice from DFO Science to support the TMGC process and the final management decisions.
The objectives of this regional CSAS peer review process are to continue the framework review for Atlantic Cod in 5Z and provide interim catch advice for EGB Atlantic Cod for 2025. Additionally, the peer-review process includes the assessment of EGB Haddock to provide catch advice for 2025. The objectives of each review are provided below:
5Z Atlantic Cod:
- Present candidate population models for transboundary (5Z) Cod for both EGB and Total (TGB) Georges Bank assessment units. Outline pertinent model parameterizations and discuss impacts on model performance and outputs. Summarize uncertainties and limitations pertaining to best candidate models for each assessment unit and provide the best option for assessing transboundary Cod.
- If applicable, provide a method of splitting TGB assessment model outputs to match the EGB management unit.
- Outline plan for upcoming work and timeline for completion of the 5Z Cod framework.
- Provide interim advice for the EGB Management unit for the 2025 Fishing Year.
EGB Haddock:
- Update the following biological and fishery indicators of the state of Haddock in the EGB management area with available 2023-24 data: condition factor, swept area survey biomass indices, fishery and survey catch at length and age, relative fishing mortality, total mortality, and catch.
- Identify and comment on changes in survey and fishery indicators (relative to 2023).
- Update the EGB assessment model with the latest data and provide catch advice for 2025 for the EGB management area.
- Provide catch advice for 2025 using the Fref =0.367.
- Provide stock status of Haddock based on developed reference points.
Expected Publications
- Science Advisory Report
- Research Document
Expected Participation
- DFO Science
- DFO Resource Management
- Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
- Academia
- Indigenous communities/organizations
- Fishing industry
- Non-government organizations
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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