Terms of Reference
Review of a Proposal for a Precautionary Approach Framework for Lobster Fishing Areas 3-14C
Regional Peer Review - Newfoundland & Labrador Region
November 5-8, 2024
St. John's, NL
Chairpersons: Cynthia McKenzie and Paul Regular
The Precautionary Approach (PA) is a general philosophy to managing threats of serious or irreversible harm where there is scientific uncertainty. The application of precaution requires increased risk avoidance where there are risks of serious harm and high uncertainty. These conditions often apply in fisheries; therefore precaution should be incorporated in fisheries management.
Canada is committed domestically and internationally to the use of the PA in fishery decision-making.
Consistent with DFO’s 2009 Decision Making Framework Incorporating the Precautionary Approach (DFO 2009), PA Frameworks should include harvest strategies that incorporate a science-based Limit Reference Point (LRP), as well as Upper Stock Reference (USR) and removal reference points.
American Lobster (Homarus americanus) in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 3-14C is currently assessed every three years. There is currently no PA Framework for this stock. Resource Management has requested DFO Science identify a LRP and provide information to support the development of other PA components for American Lobster. Following this Framework process, DFO will initiate the development of the remaining elements of the PA Framework for American Lobster to inform decision making. No provision of management advice will occur during the Framework meeting, rather management advice will be provided through the next scheduled lobster assessment.
The key objectives of this meeting are to review the proposed multi-indicator approach and define LRPs for American Lobster in LFAs 3-14C.
Specifically, the following objectives have been set:
- Review sources of available data and determine the ability to use them to develop indicators of stock performance;
- Identify a LRP for the four assessment regions for the NL lobster stocks;
- Develop a quantitative means to evaluate assessment region-specific stock health for application within the PA Framework;
- Provide information to support the development of an USR and Harvest Control Rules, if applicable.
Expected Publications
- Research Document
Expected Participation
The meeting will be highly technical in nature and the discussions and review will require participants that are familiar with a broad range of quantitative assessment and modeling techniques. Consistent with the participation guidelines for Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) processes.
To contribute materials and analyses and to assist in the Framework review, participation is expected from:
- DFO (Ecosystem and Oceans Science and Resource Management sectors)
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador – Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
- Indigenous Communities/Organizations
- Industry
- Academia
- Other invited experts
- DFO. 2009. A Fishery Decision-Making Framework Incorporating the Precautionary Approach.
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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