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Assessment of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) (Outside) in British Columbia

Regional Peer Review - Pacific Region

April 8-10, 2025


Chairperson: Matthew Siegle


Lingcod are a predatory fish species endemic to the west coast of North America, inhabiting nearshore waters from California to Alaska. The purpose of this stock assessment is to define the outside Lingcod stock area, to provide an update on stock status and to inform harvest advice to managers. The harvest advice provided in 2011 is outdated. Lingcod is one of the most commonly targeted groundfish species and is caught in many fisheries, including the groundfish trawl and hook and line (including handline, longline and troll) commercial fisheries, recreational fisheries, and Indigenous fisheries. There is also notable catch of Lingcod in the salmon troll fishery. Advice will be used by managers to define catch limits for the species.

The last stock assessment presented advice for four separate stocks: southwest Vancouver Island (Area 3C), northwest Vancouver Island (Area 3D), Queen Charlotte Sound (Areas 5A and 5B), and Hecate Strait and the west coast of Haida Gwaii (Areas 5C, 5D, and 5E) (King at al. 2012). However, no biological basis is provided to support multiple stock definitions. This assessment will review the biology, life history, and fishery for the outside population of Lingcod to appropriately define the outside Lingcod stock.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Groundfish Management Unit has requested that Science Branch provide an updated assessment of outside Lingcod relative to reference points that are consistent with the DFO’s PA Policy, including a review of the stock area definitions and the implications of various harvest strategies on expected stock status. The advice arising from this CSAS regional peer review will be used to inform fisheries management decisions to establish catch levels for the species and may inform and supplement decisions related to the prescription of outside lingcod under regulations associated with the Fisheries Act.


The following working paper will be reviewed to provide discussion and advice on the specific objectives outlined below.

The specific objectives of this working paper are to:

  1. Review biological and catch data to recommend an appropriate stock structure for Outside Lingcod.
  2. Recommend reference points consistent with the DFO Precautionary Approach (PA), including the biological considerations and rationale used to make such a determination (DFO 2009). If possible, these should include the limit reference point (LRP) of 0.4BMSY and the upper stock reference (USR) of 0.8BMSY recommended in the PA. The following additional reference points will be presented: BMSYuMSY, 0.2B0, and 0.4 B0 for each stock (DFO 2023). Provide candidate Target Reference Points (TRP) and a removal reference (R).
  3. Assess the current status of outside Lingcod in BC waters (excluding area 4B), relative to the selected reference points.
  4. Using probabilistic decision tables, evaluate the consequences of a range of harvest policies on projected biomass (and exploitation rate) relative to the reference points and provide additional stock metrics.
  5. Conditional objective (required if a stock is assessed to be in the Critical Zone, i.e. a 50% or greater probability of being below the LRP): Provide guidance for a rebuilding plan consistent with the Fish Stocks Provisions (DFO 2021) and PA (DFO 2009) . Specifically, provide probabilistic decision tables that demonstrate a high probability (>75%) of the stock growing out of the Critical Zone (i.e., above the LRP) within a reasonable timeframe (1.5-2 generations or tmin under no fishing, DFO 2021).
  6. Describe sources of uncertainty related to the model (e.g., model parameter estimates, assumptions regarding catch, productivity, and population status).
  7. Recommend an appropriate interval between formal stock assessments, indicators used to characterize stock status in the intervening years, and/or triggers of an earlier than scheduled assessment (DFO 2016). Provide a rationale if indicators and triggers cannot be identified.
  8. Consider environmental covariates that may affect the stock as presented in the “Guidelines for Implementing the Fish Stocks provisions in the Fisheries Act”.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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