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Terms of Reference

Review and Update of the State of Knowledge for the Eastern Shore Islands Area of Interest and Surrounding Area

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

March 4-5, 2025

Dartmouth, NS

Chairpersons: Nadine Templeman and Tana Worcester


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for the establishment of Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to contribute to Canada’s commitment to protect 30% of its oceans by 2030. The Eastern Shore Islands (ESI) was identified as an Area of Interest (AOI) for Oceans Act MPA designation in 2018. The Biophysical and Ecological Overview for the ESI AOI (DFO 2019; Jeffery et al. 2020), a Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) process, provided information on key physical and biological features of the area and peer-reviewed science advice on conservation priorities for a potential future MPA. Although consultation and engagement on the ESI AOI remains on hold as it has been since 2019, scientific research in the area has continued and significant gains in the collection of scientific data and understanding of the oceanography and ecology of the area have been made.

This process will review and update available baseline ecological data and information collected within the ESI AOI and surrounding area. Areas adjacent to the ESI AOI will be considered to capture the necessary breadth and scope of the various components of the ecosystem and adjacent conservation network sites. Therefore, given the geographic scale at which scientific information is currently collected and reported, the study area that has been deemed appropriate is the nearshore coastal waters (< 100 m depth) along the east coast of Nova Scotia between West Chezzetcook and Goldboro.

The advice arising from this CSAS Regional Peer Review will include potential refinement of the Conservation Priorities identified in the original Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the ESI AOI (DFO 2019; Jeffery et al. 2020) along with a review and update of key biophysical and ecological attributes of the broader study area, and the identification of information gaps requiring further research. As a next step, conservation priorities identified through this process will be considered in conjunction with Mi'kmaq knowledge and priorities through the application of an Etuaptmumk (Two-Eyed Seeing) process to guide the development of a final list of Conservation Priorities and associated objectives for the potential MPA.


The working paper(s) will be reviewed and will provide the basis for discussion and advice on these specific objectives:

  1. Evaluate, describe, and map, where possible, any newly identified key biological, physical, and ecological features of the study area, including but not limited to:
    1. predominant and/or unique physical and biological oceanographic characteristics;
    2. predominant, unique, and/or sensitive habitat features; and
    3. ecologically, socially, culturally and/or commercially significant species and areas; depleted species; and marine mammals and birds.
  2. Identify new, and update where relevant, known sensitivities, resilience, and recoverability of habitats and species of interest within the study area. Include sensitivity of species of known conservation concern if new information is available.
  3. Where appropriate, based on the best available science, including information gained since 2018, make recommendations on the addition of Conservation Priorities that would benefit from spatial conservation in the area, or removal of conservation priorities that are no longer supported by research conducted in the area.
  4. Identify any new or remaining key uncertainties and knowledge gaps as they pertain to an updated understanding of the existing environment and species of interest within the study area. Where possible, recommend and prioritize measures to address these gaps.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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