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Terms of Reference

Update of the State of Knowledge of Pathways of Effects and Stressor-Effects Linkages for Finfish and Shellfish Aquaculture Activities

National Peer Review - National Capital Region

March 24-28, 2025 (POSTPONED)

Montreal, QC

Chairperson: Roger Wysocki and Michael Rust


The Aquaculture Pathways of Effects (POEs) bolster our understanding of the complex interactions between Canadian aquaculture activities and the aquatic environments where these activities occur, including wild aquatic organisms and populations. The aquaculture pathways describe interactions as related to the following stressors: alteration of habitat, alteration of light, noise, release of chemicals, release of litter/debris, release and removal of nutrients, release and removal of species, release of pathogens and release of aquatic invasive species. The pathways are a key tool that support other pieces of science advice. Throughout this Terms of Reference, we refer to “fish,” which is inclusive of both finfish and shellfish species.

In 2009 a CSAS process was undertaken to scientifically peer-review the aquaculture POEs to help ensure they were underpinned and informed by science. POE diagrams and accompanying descriptions were developed to outline potential linkages between aquaculture activities and environmental stressors and effects, for seven of the above-mentioned categories of stressors.


The goal of this science peer-review is to update the state of scientific knowledge on each of the stressor-effect categories, as well as to identify emerging and remaining knowledge gaps. Working papers will be developed for each of nine stressor categories (including the seven categories reviewed in 2009, plus two new categories addressing the release of aquatic invasive species and the release of litter), and these will be reviewed through three peer-review meetings, resulting in three Science Advisory Reports (SAR).

Where evidence may now be available, the working papers should include:

The working papers must ensure comprehensive inclusion of all available scientific evidence, and a balanced treatment of information as it relates to Canadian aquaculture with conclusions supported by the literature.

Where there are observations and information in the existing peer-reviewed literature on strategies or technologies which may be used to mitigate a pathway these may be captured, but a full review of impacts of these technologies will be out of scope for the current process. Consideration of the potential differences in pathways as they relate to culture of different species should also be explored. In some cases, introducing a mitigation may create potential new pathways, which can be noted where literature is available to reference and can also be used to identify needs for future work.

With regards to cumulative effects of multiple interacting stressors, where research and scientific evidence exists, this information may be included and considered in the reviews. However, due to the complexity of this topic and the fact that limited information may exist in the current literature, these issues may not be able to be addressed fully at this time.

Kelp aquaculture will be considered out of scope for this exercise.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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