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Research Document - 2009/082

Terms and Concepts Used in the Species at Risk Program

By D.S. Clark, T. Coopper, A. Doherty, J.K.B. Ford, M.A. Koops, N.E. Mandrak, T.J. Morris, and R.K. Smedbol


Clarification of the interpretation of a number of terms associated with the Species at Risk Act is required to improve the national consistency of the application of these terms. The facilitate the discussion of these terms, working papers were prepared on the following topics: Damage / Destroy / Destruction; Residence; On the Identification of Prey as Critical Habitat; The Acoustic Environment as a Dimension of Critical Habitat under SARA: A Marine Mammal Perspective; Feasibility of Recovery in the SARA Context; and Threats to Species at Risk and Their Habitat.

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