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2024 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Conservation harvesting plan for crab fishing area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)

Moncton and Quebec – March 22, 2024

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) releases the details of the 2024 snow crab fishery Conservation Harvesting Plan for the Crab Fishing Area (CFA) 12 (18, 25, 26).


The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in CFA 12 is 22,236.68 t. Details of the sharing of the TAC can be found in the CFA 12 snow crab administrative list.

Quota reconciliation

Quota reconciliation is applied in this fishery. Any individual quota overrun incurred by licence holders in one season will be deducted, on a one-for-one basis, from their individual quota for the following season. It is the responsibility of the licence holders to track their quotas to ensure that catches taken in the course of their fishing operations comply with the quotas allocated to them.

Temporary quota transfers

Licence holders who are subject to the owner-operator policy may transfer up to 50% of their initial quota on a temporary basis, within the same fishing season and within the same DFO administrative area (Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Gulf Nova Scotia and Quebec). No transfer of traps will be authorized during a temporary quota transfer.

Partnership arrangements

The creation of partnerships is authorized and both licence holders must be present on the boat during the fishing activities. The number of traps to be used cannot be greater than the legal number of traps authorized for one snow crab licence, plus 50 percent of the number of authorized traps of the other licence (partner).

Any overrun incurred from the previous year must be communicated and acknowledged by the licence holders entering the partnership since DFO will deduct the amount of overrun from the combined quota of the partnership.

Fishing Gear Reporting System (or Lost Gear Reporting)

Fish harvesters are encouraged to create an account and report their data through the lost gear system at this website: Sign in ( The requirement to report lost and retrieved gear is a condition of licence.

New in 2024

2024 Management measures

Unless indicated otherwise, existing management measures remain in place. Please refer to your snow crab licence conditions for further details. The current management measures include, amongst others:

Management measures to minimize interactions with North Atlantic Right Whales

The 2024 management measures to minimize interactions with North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW) will be communicated separately and posted online at the following link: Fishery notices related to North Atlantic right whales (

The requirements to minimize the length of rope floating on the surface of the water remains in effect:

Note: A primary buoy is defined as a buoy or other floating device attached to a crab trap. A secondary buoy is defined as a buoy or other floating device attached to a primary buoy.

All the requirements for gear marking remains in effect and the information on gear marking measures have been published in a Notice to Fish Harvesters that is available at the following link: colour-notice-avis-couleur-eng.pdf (

Marine Mammal Interaction Form

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