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Fisheries and Oceans Canada Standard for Electronic Logbook Software - Descriptions of Diagrams

Diagram: ELOG XML structure

This diagram presents the various nodes that make up the XML file structure that will be used to transmit electronic logbook data to DFO. It is typically read from top to bottom. It shows the hierarchy of the nodes between them (parent/child relationship).

The lines connecting the nodes represent the parent/child relationships. Generally speaking, a parent node can be connected to one child node (1-1 relationship) or to many child nodes (1-n relationship).
1-1 relationships are represented in the diagram by a single line connecting the parent node to the child node.

1-n relationships are represented in the diagram by a line connecting a parent node to a child node; however, the line separates into three lines once it connects to the child node.

Each of these nodes will be made up of a series of data elements. The series will vary based on the fishing gear and the administrative region to which the XML file refers.

Diagram: ELOG - XML Structure groups

This diagram identifies nodes that are part of each data group. The blue dotted lines delimit each data group. Several statements in the standard refer to these data groups. A data group is a set of nodes that cannot be broken up.

Diagram A1.1: Process of creation or modification of a data group vs. data group status

Diagram presenting an example of the process that occurs when a user wishes to create a new data group or change a datum belonging to an existing data group. The option to change a datum is determined based on the status of the data group to which the datum belongs.

Diagram A1.2: Process of destruction of a data group vs. data group status

Diagram presenting an example of the process that occurs when a user wishes to destroy a data group. The option to destroy a data group is determined based on the status of the data group.

Diagram A1.3: Transmission process for closed data groups

Diagram presenting an example of the process that occurs when a user wishes to transmit data from closed data groups. The option to transmit data from a data group is determined based on the status of the data group.

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