Qualified electronic logbook (ELOG) client applications
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) qualifies applications for use with the electronic logbook (ELOG) program.
A ‘qualified' client application has gone through a process between the developer and DFO to establish that the particular package is compatible with our systems. We don't recommend any one product over any other.
Questions surrounding the purchase or support of these applications should be directed to the individual vendors. Harvesters are encouraged to visit the company’s website to learn about upcoming training sessions and events.
Please refer to your licence conditions to confirm if ELOGS is available in your management area.
Qualified national applications
Company name | Company information | Software name and version | Products available |
Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels du sud de la Gaspésie inc. | Website : www.jobel.ca/en/ Contact : 1-833-689-5623 support@jobel.ca Address : 31-201 Commerciale West Chandler, QC Canada G0C 1K0 |
JOBEL version 4.6 |
Vericatch | Website : https://vericatch.com/ Contact : 1-888-221-1953 fisheriesapp@vericatch.com Address: 2400 – 1055 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6E 3P3 |
FisheriesApp2 version 2.08 |
Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association/ Socilogica | Website : www.captainselog.com Contact : 1(866) 855-2001 hello@cpatainselog.com Address: 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 7Z5 |
Captains elog version 1.0.4 |
For any additional questions regarding the National ELOG program, please contact DFO at 1-877-535-7307 or at the following email: fishing-peche@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.
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