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Gulf region convictions under the Fisheries Act

To report suspicious fishing activity or habitat violations, please contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office, or call the 24-hour, toll-free "Observe, Record Report line" at  1-800-222-8477.

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Acronyms of Legislations/Regulations
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations
B.C. Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996
Canada Criminal Code
Canada Shipping Act
Fisheries Act
Fishery (General) Regulations
Management of Contaminated Fishery Regulations
Marine Mammal Regulations
Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations
Pacific Aquaculture Regulations
Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, 2007
Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993
Species At Risk Act
Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations
Gulf region convictions under the Fisheries Act
Name Charge Information (Section & Description) Place of judgment Species Penalties, Forfeitures, Prohibitions or Orders Dates of conviction
Gary Clair Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Was in possession of 101 undersized lobsters
Moncton, NB Lobster $7,500.00 fine 2025-02-26
Mitchell Gavin Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Off loaded a catch without a monitor
Summerside, PEI Rock Crab $5,250.00 fine and forfeiture of rock crab catch valued at $4,315.45 2025-02-04
Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Was in possession of 173 undersized crabs.
Brandon Lewis Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
No proper logbook aboard vessel
Summerside, PEI Halibut $2,750.00 fine 2025-02-04
Fisheries Act 87(1) – Fishing for groundfish during close time
Robert Todd Gaudet Fisheries Act 23 - No one may fish, use fishing gear, or harm a fishery in any licensed area without authorization. Summerside, PEI Herring $3,500 and forfeiture of herring gillnets 2025-01-27
Marcel Chiasson Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57(1)(a) – Fishing lobster during close time in specified waters. Bathurst, NB Lobster $4,500.00 fine 2025-01-27
Dean David Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57(1)(a) – Fishing lobster during close time in specified waters. Bathurst, NB Lobster $4,000.00 fine 2025-01-27
Noel Denny Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57 (2) – Possessing lobster shorter than the minimum size in a lobster fishing area. Moncton, NB Lobster $4,200.00 fine 2025-01-16
Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 14 (1) (b) – Fishing without a licence
Lance Francis Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Was in possession of 217 undersized lobsters. Tag registry not filled.
Moncton, NB Lobster $10,904.50 fine 2025-01-07
Paul Comeau Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 59 (3) – Having in possession female lobster with eggs attached. Moncton, NB Lobster $6,000.00 fine 2024-12-03
Lorne Mark Bonnel Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
19 traps had a biodegradable mechanism less than the minimum requirement.
Georgetown, PEI Lobster $14,250 fine + fishing prohibition for the first 24 hours of the 2025 lobster fishing season. 2024-11-28
Jamie Gavin Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 115.2 – Leaving gear unattended for more than 72 hours. Summerside, PEI Snow Crab $5,000 fine 2024-11-12
Lorenzo Noël Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 49.01 (a) – Possess a quantities of mackerel greater than the fixed daily quota. Bathurst, NB Mackerel $250 fine 2024-10-30
Moïse Noël Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 49.01 (a) – Possess a quantities of mackerel greater than the fixed daily quota. Bathurst, NB Mackerel $250 fine 2024-10-30
Johnny Bezeau Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
11 traps with invalid tags & 13 traps without tags.
Bathurst, NB Lobster $18,000 fine ($750 per trap) + forfeiture of 24 lobster traps (value of $1,200) + a fishing prohibition for the first 7 days of the 2025 lobster fishing season in LFA 23B + a requirement to have an operational Vessel Monitoring System while lobster fishing for the next 3 years. 2024-10-21
Benjamin MacKenzie Fisheries Act, Section 23 - Disturbing a legal fishery Georgetown PEI Lobster $5,000 in fines and a suspension for the first 7 days of the LFA 26A 2025 season 2024-10-17
Noah Levi Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Fishing in an unauthorized area (Buffer 12/19).
Port Hawksbury, NS Snow Crab $5,000 fine 2024-10-15
Fisheries Act 33 - Possess fish caught in contravention of regulations. Snow Crab Forfeiture of the funds realized from the sale of the fish in the amount of $4,914.65 2024-10-15
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations 8 – No person other than a designated person may fish under the authority of a licence. Snow Crab $1,500 fine 2024-10-15
Jean-Pierre Bezeau Fisheries Act 43.4 (1) – Failure to comply with any terms and conditions of a permission, lease or licence.
Illegal landing of Snow Crab.
Bathurst, NB Snow Crab $12,000 fine + forfeiture of seized catch (value of $820.35) 2024-10-11
Matthew Butler Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57 (1) (a) - Fishing lobster during a close time in specified waters. Georgetown, PEI Lobster Fishing prohibition for the first 5 days (120 hours) of the 2025 lobster fishing season (LFA 26A). 2024-09-26
Jud Crossman Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57 (2) -  Possessing lobster shorter than the minimum size in a lobster fishing area. Georgetown PEI Lobster $3,000 fine + licence suspension of the first 3 days (72 hours) of the 2025 lobster fishing season. 2024-08-29
Leo Dorgan Atlantic Fisheries Regulations 57 (1) (a) - Fishing lobster during a close time in specified waters. Summerside PEI Lobster $3,200 fine 2024-08-28
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