Canada-British Columbia Marine Protected Area Network Strategy
Table of Contents
- Complete Text
- Preface
- Introduction
- The Need to Plan MPA Networks
- What is an MPA? What is an MPA Network?
- Vision and Goals for a Network of Marine Protected Areas on the Pacific Coast of Canada
- Planning Principles
- Planning Regions for Marine Protected Area Networks
- Governance
- Moving Forward
- Appendix 1. Marine Ecosystem Stressors in the North East Pacific
- Appendix 2. Protected Area Legislation in Pacific Canada
- Appendix 3. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories
- Background Documents and References
Appendix 2. Protected Area Legislation in Pacific Canada
Government of Canada Legislation
- a "marine protected area" established under the Oceans Act S.C.1996, c. 31;
- a "national marine conservation area" or "NMCA" established under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act S.C. 2002, c. 18 and includes an NMCA reserve where there are unresolved Aboriginal rights claims that have been accepted for negotiation by the Government of Canada;
- a "national park" with marine components established under the Canada National Parks Act S.C. 2000, c. 32 and includes a national park reserve where there are unresolved Aboriginal rights claims that have been accepted for negotiation by the Government of Canada;
- a protected marine area (known as a marine wildlife area) or "wildlife area" (known as a National Wildlife Area) established under the Canada Wildlife Act R.S.C. 1985, c.W-9;
- a "migratory bird sanctuary" established in the marine environment under the Migratory Birds Convention Act,1994 S.C. 1994, c.22.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Parks Canada
Environment Canada
Government of British Columbia Legislation
- a "park", "recreation area", or "conservancy" established in a marine environment under the Park Act [RSBC 1996] c. 344 or the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act [SBC 2000] c. 17;
- an "ecological reserve" established in a marine environment under the Ecological Reserve Act [RSBC 1996] c. 103 or the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act [SBC 2000] c. 17;
- a "protected area" or "conservation study area" established in a marine environment under theEnvironment and Land Use Act [RSBC 1996] c. 117;
- a "land reserve" or "notation of interest" established over Crown land and water in a marine environment under the Land Act [RSBC 1996] c. 245;
- a "wildlife management area" established in the marine environment under the Wildlife Act [RSBC 1996] c. 488.
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Forrests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
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