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Best Management Practices for the Protection of Freshwater Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador

Best Management Practices for the Protection of Freshwater Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2022.
Paper: Cat. No. Fs114-28/2021E ISBN 978-0-660-40505-6
PDF: Cat. No. Fs114-28/2021E-PDF ISBN 978-0-660-40504-9

Published by:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Ecosystems Management Branch
Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
Newfoundland and Labrador Region
P.O. Box 5667
St. Johns, NL A1C 5X1

Correct citation for this document is:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2022. Best Management Practices for the Protection of Freshwater Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s, NL. vi + 80 p.


Best Management Practices for the Protection of Freshwater Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador has been developed to serve as a reference for planners, developers, contractors and regulatory agencies in addressing freshwater fish and fish habitat protection issues arising as a result of proposed project development activities that occur in or near freshwater. This document provides an update to a previous version entitled Guidelines for Protection of Freshwater Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador (Gosse et al., 1998),which had combined the information contained in the earlier Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) guideline documents including: Resource Road Construction Fish Habitat Protection Guidelines (McCubbin et al., 1990) and Urban Development Guidelines for Protection of Fish Habitat in Insular Newfoundland (DFO and LGL Ltd., 1990).

1 Introduction

These best management practices have been developed to serve as a reference for planners, developers, contractors, and regulatory agencies in addressing freshwater fish and fish habitat protection issues arising as a result of proposed project development activities.

Protection is an essential step in maintaining the productivity of fish habitat. Habitat protection contributes to the conservation and enhancement of commercial, recreational, and Aboriginal fisheries resources. Specific requirements for the protection of fish and fish habitat are set out in Canada’s Fisheries Act and its associated regulations. Other federal, provincial, or municipal legislation addressing fish and fish habitat protection may also apply to proposed developments.

Most problems associated with development-related activities, regardless of scale, are often the result of poor planning and design, improper site location, and inappropriate construction practices. This document identifies common project development activities that have the potential to adversely impact the aquatic environment and offers information on measures to reduce or eliminate these harmful impacts. The proper implementation of appropriate mitigation techniques can prevent or minimize impacts on productive fish habitat and fish populations.

1.1 Scope and purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide planners, developers, contractors, and regulatory agencies with “best management practices” that are aimed at protecting freshwater fish and fish habitat during proposed project development activities. The following highlights the format of this document:

1.2 Fish and fish habitat

The freshwater fishery resource of Newfoundland and Labrador is unique among areas of comparable latitude in North America since salmonids are predominant in virtually all waterbodies. Salmonid species include:

Other freshwater fish found in the province include:

Appendix A provides species specific information and habitat requirements.

In order for fish populations to thrive and reproduce, fish habitat should provide shelter, security and nourishment. All salmonids have similar freshwater habitat requirements:

Figure 1.1 Freshwater habitat requirements for salmonids

Water clarity is important for various reasons. Suspended sediment reduces visibility, making it difficult for fish to locate and capture prey. Suspended sediment (Figure 1.2) can also damage fish gills causing injury, mortality, and increased susceptibility to disease and predation. Settled sediments can infill pools and riffles, reducing the availability and quality of spawning and rearing habitat for fish (Figure 1.3). Infilling occurring during spawning, incubation, or hatching periods can smother eggs and alevins. Sediment deposits can also reduce the food supply by displacing insect larvae that reside on the stream bottom.

Figure 1.2 Development activities can introduce suspended sediment into watercourses (left image showing suspended sediments causing the water to look brown in colour) and settled sediments can infill pool and riffles (right image showing depth of sediment infill)
Figure 1.3 Suspended sediment can settle on the bottom of watercourses, filling interstitial spaces in gravel substrate used for spawning and incubation

Clean water, free of toxins and pollutants, is essential for healthy and productive fish populations. The introduction of pollutants into the aquatic environment can seriously affect plants, animals, and microorganisms, thereby altering the structure of the aquatic ecosystem. Pollutants can be directly lethal to fish, can make fish more susceptible to other stressors, or can accumulate in fish tissues making them unsafe for human consumption.

Water temperature is a critical factor in salmonid survival. Fish may display signs of stress at temperatures above 22°C and mortalities have been recorded at 27°C. Developing eggs also have strict cool temperature requirements and hatching success can be greatly affected by increases in temperature. Factors that help to maintain cool water temperatures include deep, flowing steadies and pools, shading by streamside vegetation, and intact groundwater sources.

Dissolved oxygen in the water is absorbed by fish through the gills and transported around the body in the blood. Aquatic plants and algae introduce oxygen into the water as a product of photosynthesis. Turbulence is also important for oxygenating water. Dissolved oxygen levels are reduced in warm water, another important reason for cool water maintenance.

Shelter is necessary for avoiding predators and accessing shaded areas during periods of warm temperatures. Stumps, logs, and other instream debris make excellent hiding places. Fish rest behind instream boulders or in undercut streambanks, and dart out into the current to catch drifting food. These areas are also velocity shelters that enable fish to conserve energy.

Food supply in the aquatic environment must be plentiful and diverse to sustain the productivity of a watershed. A healthy pond or stream contains hundreds of varieties of plant and animal life, much of which is microscopic. Leaf litter and woody debris that fall into a stream are broken down and decomposed by microorganisms and insect larvae. These insect larvae, in turn, may be eaten by juvenile fish. Larger fish may prey upon worms, amphipods, and smaller fish.

Habitat variety is important for providing key habitat components to all life stages within a fish population. Salmonids use different sections of a stream at different life cycle stages (see Appendix A). The usefulness of these sections is determined by substrate size, water depth, and flow.

Suitable substrate is essential for fish productivity. Fish need well-aerated, gravel-bottomed areas for spawning. Rearing areas require larger substrates, which provide young fish with resting areas and shelter from predators. Adequate stream flow is required by fish to ensure that habitat is accessible. Stream flow also influences other habitat factors such as water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Flow is required to provide oxygen to developing eggs and remove wastes. Deeper, slow-moving stream sections make good nursery and rearing areas for newly-hatched and growing salmonids. Excessive flow and high water velocities can displace fish from habitat and create migration barriers. Pools and ponds are used for overwintering. Flow ultimately determines the available space (wetted area) for fish. Access to habitat is crucial in maintaining fish populations. Obstructions to fish passage can alienate large areas of productive spawning and rearing habitat.

2 Regulatory requirements

In Newfoundland and Labrador, work in and near waterbodies is regulated under both federal and provincial legislation. Fisheries and Oceans Canada conserves and protects fish and fish habitat by applying the fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act, in combination with other applicable federal laws and regulations related to aquatic ecosystems, including:

The fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act regulate works, undertakings or activities that risk harming fish and fish habitat. Specifically, they include the 2 core prohibitions against persons carrying on works, undertakings or activities that result in the “death of fish by means other than fishing” (subsection 34.4(1)), and the “harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat” (subsection 35(1)) (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2019a).

When planning and implementing works, undertakings or activities, it is important to do so in a manner that avoids harmful impacts, specifically the death of fish and the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat. If proponents believe that their work, undertaking or activity may result in harmful impacts to fish and fish habitat, they can contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The department will work with proponents to assess the risk of their proposed work, undertaking or activity resulting in the death of fish or the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat and provide advice and guidance on how to comply with the Fisheries Act (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2019a).

Authorizations, licenses or permits may be required in order to proceed with works, undertakings or activities. This can include instances where the proposed activity has the potential to impact fish and fish habitat, as well as:

Proponents are encouraged to contact their regional DFO office to ensure all applicable regulatory requirements are met.

Provincial legislation within Newfoundland and Labrador also regulates work in or near waterbodies. The provincial Environmental Protection Act and the Water Resources Act apply to any alteration of a waterbody and a permit must be obtained from the Provincial Government.

Under certain circumstances, other municipal, provincial, or federal legislation may apply. For example, municipal government, town and city councils may require that you obtain zoning and building permits for your proposed work. Environment and Climate Change Canada exercises control of specific contaminants (e.g. oil, PCB's, etc.) and accidental spills of toxic substances. If a proposed project could affect waterways or wetlands that are important to migratory birds then the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment and Climate Change Canada will review the project. Similarly, if the project has the potential to impact beaver, moose, caribou, or other wildlife species, it may require review by the provincial Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.

In summary, authorizations, licenses, or permits from both federal and provincial levels of government may be required for instream work. It is a good practice to contact DFO, Environment and Climate Change Canada, appropriate provincial departments, and sometimes, Crown Lands. Also, if your project is within the boundaries of a municipality or a municipal water supply area, the town or city council office should be consulted to discuss your proposed project to ensure all legal environmental requirements will be met. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the proponent to comply with applicable legislation and ensure the requirements of federal, provincial, and municipal jurisdictions are followed.

For many project developments and associated activities there are issues that typically have to be addressed with respect to freshwater fish and fish habitat protection. Common to many project developments regardless of overall project scale (i.e. small or large) are issues such as:

The following section presents both general construction activity and project specific mitigation techniques aimed at reducing or eliminating potentially harmful impacts on fish and fish habitat. These techniques are often used most effectively in combination with one another.

3 Habitat protection mitigation techniques

3.1 Erosion / sedimentation control

Land development activities such as clearing land, grading slopes, road building,  excavating and stockpiling materials can lead to the erosion of soils into nearby watercourses that contain fish and fish habitat (Figure 3.1). Sedimentation of watercourses can have detrimental effects on fish and fish habitat. Suspended sediment reduces water clarity and can cause damage to gills. Sediment can also settle onto the bottom of watercourses, smothering eggs and/or rendering gravel substrate unsuitable for spawning. Even after the replacement and compaction of slopes and surfaces, gully and channel formation can occur and lead to subsequent erosion. Therefore, on and off-site runoff management is a key factor in erosion and sediment control. Management techniques, such as preparing and covering disturbed soils, revegetating slopes, and lining runoff ditches, early in the project assist in reducing the potential for erosion.

Figure 3.1 Visible sediment entering a watercourse

An erosion and sediment control plan is developed and implemented for the site that minimizes risk of sedimentation of the waterbody during all phases of the project. Erosion and sediment control measures should be maintained until all disturbed ground has been permanently stabilized, suspended sediment has resettled to the bed of the waterbody, or settling basin and runoff water is clear.

The plan should, where applicable, include:

In general, provisions for appropriate erosion and sedimentation control should also consider the following:

Figure 3.2 Natural streamside vegetation

In addition to the above general practices, Sections 3.1.1 through 3.1.6 provide details on some specific erosion/sedimentation control mitigation techniques (i.e. silt fence, filter fabric dam, rock check dam, settling ponds, ditches, stabilized access to site, straw barrier/bale structure, matting and vegetation, and grading). When using manufactured erosion control materials, manufacturer’s specifications should also be consulted. Further, appropriate and timely stabilization of disturbed areas, as presented in Section 3.2, can facilitate sedimentation and erosion control.

3.1.1 Filter fabric dam / silt fences

Filter fabric dams are temporary barriers that provide an effective filter for sediment-laden runoff from disturbed slopes and surfaces. They are used in ditches to remove sediment from collected water prior to the release of this water into a natural watercourse. Silt fences are constructed with filter fabric and posts or stakes, and are typically installed in series at appropriate intervals along drainage ditches in development areas. Silt fences surround a disturbed site or contoured exposed slope (maximum steepness 2:1), effectively trapping the sediment close to the erosion source and preventing sedimentation of the aquatic environment via site runoff. Silt fences and filter fabric dams have a limited retention capacity and are not designed for long term control of sedimentation. These structures also require ongoing maintenance.

The best management practices for the effective use of filter fabric structures are:

Figure 3.3 Filter fabric dams installed in series
Figure 3.4 Filter fabric dam embedded in ditch bottom

3.1.2 Check dam

Check dams (Figure 3.5) can be temporary or permanent and are used to prevent erosion and control sedimentation arising from roadside ditches. Check dams are structures used to prevent the erosion of ditch bottoms by slowing the velocity of concentrated runoff and by collecting and holding moisture and sediment in the ditch bottom. These structures are generally constructed with consideration for the availability of materials and whether the check dams are to be permanent or temporary. Check dams can be constructed of locally available materials and are relatively easy and economical to construct. Materials typically used include:

Figure 3.5 Check dams can be constructed from a variety of readily available materials, including rocks

When utilizing check dams, the following best management practices are provided:

Figure 3.6 Side and oblique views of a well-constructed rock check dam

3.1.3 Settling ponds

Settling ponds/basins (Figure 3.7) are used to intercept and retain sediment-laden runoff. These structures allow sediment to settle out, thereby reducing the amount of sediment leaving the disturbed area and protecting fish habitat into which runoff is flowing. The effectiveness of settling ponds is influenced by particle size, settling characteristics, settling time, and surface area. Settling ponds should be installed at the development area prior to any excavation or other construction-related activities. These ponds are most effective for sedimentation control on a relatively short-term basis.

Figure 3.7 Features of a well-constructed settling pond/basin
Features include: overflow pipe, impermeable berm, firm base to permit removal of accumulated sediment and a riprap.

When using settling ponds, the following best management practices should be followed:

Figure 3.8 View of a series of settling ponds (top and bottom images)
Figure 3.9 Settling ponds should be lined with an impermeable material, such as plastic, to prevent the generation of silt from the excavated settling pond

3.1.4 Ditches

Ditches can be used to reduce the amount of water entering cleared land and causing erosion, as well as to collect sediment-laden water and direct it to settling ponds. Roadside ditching allows:

Interceptor ditches are temporary or permanent structures designed to intercept and carry clean surface runoff away from erodible slopes, reducing potential surface erosion and limiting the amount of runoff requiring treatment. Alternatively, these ditches can collect sediment-laden runoff from slopes and carry it, without further erosion, to treatment areas or settling ponds. Interceptor ditches usually have to be excavated and should be stabilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation.

Ditches, particularly new ditches, can transport large volumes of sediment. Sediment discharged into watercourses can adversely affect fish habitat and aquatic life. When using ditches the following best management practices should be followed:

Figure 3.10 Features of a well-designed ditch system
Features of a good ditch system include cross drainage culverts installed upslope of watercourse.
Figure 3.11 Cross drainage culverts and take-off ditches carry water from the road and into surrounding vegetation

3.1.5 Straw barrier / bale structure

Straw barrier/bale structures are temporary mitigations that act as barriers to intercept runoff moving down a slope, both reducing the potential of erosion as well as controlling sediment. These barriers work in a manner similar to check dams and geotextiles. Straw barrier/bale structures should be installed in runoff paths and other possible locations of concentrated flow to inhibit the migration of erodible soils. The number and spacing of bales will depend upon the nature of the construction operations; however, these structures are effective at controlling sediment close to the source. When utilizing straw barrier/bale structures, the following points should be followed:

3.1.6 Matting and vegetation

Temporary matting, such as jute mat, glass fiber mat, polyethylene sheeting, woven paper mat, and vegetative mat (commonly called erosion control blanket), is used to provide stabilization for the surface of steep slopes and ditches, and to protect newly-seeded soil from erosion. These mats act as mulch to hold moisture in and allow grass to grow through (Figure 3.12). The mats absorb raindrop impact, reduce runoff velocity, improve infiltration, bind soil particles with roots, and provide immediate erosion control until permanent vegetation can be established.

Figure 3.12 Temporary matting provides erosion protection for newly-seeded areas. Moisture is held in and grass grows through the mat

The rapid establishment of a vegetation cover is generally recognized as the most effective form of surface erosion control. Seeding, hydro seeding, sodding, shrubs, and/or small trees or vegetative mats are some natural forms of stabilization methods that offer permanent surface protection.

When utilizing matting and vegetation as forms of erosion control, the following best management practices are provided:

3.2 Streambank stabilization

Streambanks are composed of a variety of materials (such as sand, soil and gravel) that are easily erodible when exposed or disturbed by construction activities (Figure 3.13). Streambank erosion can result in the deposition of large amounts of sediment into the freshwater environment. Sedimentation can have a variety of negative effects on fish and fish habitat, such as damaging fish gills, smothering eggs and infilling important spawning habitat. Streambank stability is maintained in a natural state by the living network of roots and vegetation. Disturbed areas require additional stabilization measures to ensure that bank slopes are stable and resist erosion.

Figure 3.13 Development activities can destabilize streambanks, resulting in streambank erosion and considerable sedimentation of watercourses

In general, efforts to stabilize streambanks should consider the following, with the intent of reducing erosion and the release of sediment into fish habitat:

Figure 3.14 Examples of stabilization techniques
Examples include staked sods, vegetative matting and gabion baskets.

Sections 3.2.1 through 3.2.3 provide information on streambank stabilization (i.e. riprap, gabions, geotextile and timber cribwork). When using manufactured stabilization materials, manufacturer’s specifications should also be consulted. Further, some erosion control measures (e.g. matting) also provide stabilization.

3.2.1 Riprap

Riprap can be utilized to stabilize eroding streambanks. Riprap should only be used when vegetation cannot provide adequate bank support. The type of riprap used depends on the individual situation and the availability of materials (Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.15 Rock riprap prevents erosion

When utilizing riprap for stabilization, the following best management practices are provided:

Table 3.1 Riprap stone sizes for various stream flow velocities
Stream flow (m/sec) Mean stone diameter (mm)
Less than 3.0 200 – 460
3.0 – 4.0 200 – 770
4.0 – 4.60 500 – 1220

3.2.2 Gabions

Gabion baskets or mats are manufactured steel wire baskets that are placed and then filled with rocks. Gabions can be used to protect stream banks from erosion and to provide retaining wall support for an unstable stream bank. Gabions should be used in accordance with manufactures design and specifications (see figure 3.14).

3.2.3 Geotextiles

Geotextile filter fabrics are used to serve as a soil stabilizer, allowing water to flow through the lining, while preventing underlying soil from being washed away. The type of geotextile material used is site-specific and takes into consideration factors such as soil type, hydraulic conditions, and construction conditions and techniques. When choosing and installing geotextiles refer to manufacturers’ specifications and seek professional advice.

3.3 Watercourse crossings

Any watercourse crossing has the potential to impact fish and fish habitat as well as alter the existing natural flow regime. Crossing structures that maintain natural watercourse bottom and hydraulic conditions (e.g. bridges, bottomless arch culverts) are preferred over structures that alter fish habitat, flow regime, and constrict watercourse width. Improperly installed crossings (i.e. culverts, bridges, etc.) can result in impeded fish passage. Machinery should:

Emergency spill kits should be on site in case of fluid leaks or spills from machinery.

The preferred option for mitigation of potential adverse effects of watercourse crossings is to avoid crossings where possible. In instances where watercourse crossings are unavoidable, the following best management practices are provided:

With respect to protecting fish and fish habitat, watercourse crossings should abide the following conditions:

Sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.5 present specific information related to types of watercourse crossings (i.e. temporary crossings, bridges, culverts, underground watercourse crossings, and causeways; see Figure 3.16).

Figure 3.16a Methods of watercourse crossings: Portable temporary bridge
Figure 3.16b Methods of watercourse crossings: Fording site
Figure 3.16c Methods of watercourse crossings: Permanent bridge
Figure 3.16d Methods of watercourse crossings: Bottomless arch culvert installation

3.3.1 Temporary crossings

Under certain circumstances, properly designed temporary crossings may be used as watercourse crossings. These may include temporary clear span bridges (including Bailey bridges or log stringer bridges), fording, and temporary winter crossings (i.e., ice bridges and snow fills).

Temporary crossings are intended for short-term access across a watercourse when an existing crossing is not available or practical to use. They are not intended for prolonged use (e.g., forest or mining haul roads). Temporary clear span bridges and fording should be restricted to locations where the channel width at the crossing does not exceed 5 meters from the ordinary high water mark to the ordinary high water mark. Do not grade stream banks or approaches. Where possible, use methods to prevent substrate compaction (e.g., swamp mats, pads). Temporary clear span bridges

The use of temporary bridges (see Figure 3.16(a)), or dry fording, is preferred over fording in flowing water as this lowers the risks of fish injury and mortality, damages to the bed and banks of the watercourse, and sedimentation of downstream fish habitat.

When using temporary bridges, the following best management practices are provided: Fording

Fording can occur through flowing water or in the dry (e.g., seasonally dried streambed). The use of a fording site is usually limited to periods when low flow conditions prevail and the number of crossings at the fording site is restricted. Fording must be kept to a minimum, particularly with machinery, and if repeated fording at one site is anticipated then the use of temporary bridges or permanent crossing structures is required (Scruton et. al. 1997). The appropriateness of fording may depend upon the type of vehicle using the site. While vehicles with low pressure tires may ford a stream with little disruption, tracked machinery may result in considerable environmental damage and as such may not be generally suited for fording watercourses (Figure 3.16(b)).

When fording, the following best management practices are provided: Winter crossings

Winter crossings, such as ice bridges and snow fills, provide cost-effective access to remote areas when rivers and streams are frozen. Since the ground is frozen, these can be built with minimal disturbance to the bed and banks of the watercourse.

Winter crossing can be utilized when:

When using winter crossings, the following best management practices are provided:

Before beginning any work, undertakings and activities involving the use of temporary crossings, consult the temporary stream crossings code of practice located on the Projects Near Water website. A notification form should be submitted to your regional DFO office prior to the start of your works, undertakings and activities.

3.3.2 Bridges

Bridges are the preferred structure for all crossings, for areas where ice blockage or rapid runoff may cause the structural failure of a culverted crossing, as well as for any watercourses that support anadromous (sea-run) and/or resident fish populations. A well-designed bridge allows for a natural stream bottom at a crossing site and should not result in any increased water velocities that may impede fish passage or cause stream bed scour (Figure 3.17).

Figure 3.17 A well-designed bridge allows for a natural stream bottom at a crossing site
Bridge that spans the entire stream

When utilizing bridges for watercourse crossings, the following best management practices are provided:

3.3.3 Culverts

Culverts are the most commonly used method for providing access over a watercourse, and particularly for small and medium sized streams. Several types of culverts are used including open bottom/bottomless arch, pipe arch, box, and circular/cylindrical. Box type culverts are generally made from wood or concrete while other types are made from plastic, concrete or, most commonly, corrugated metal. Figure 3.18 illustrates some culvert crossing related terms used in this document and Figure 3.19 identifies culvert shapes.

Figure 3.18 Illustration of general culvert terms
Text version: Figure 3.18 Illustration of general culvert terms

Culvert terms:

  • upstream
  • downstream
  • culvert
  • culvert inlet invert/exit for fish passage
  • culvert outlet invert/entrance for fish passage
  • flow
  • depth of flow
  • outlet pool
  • outlet pool invert

The following best management practices concerning culvert installations and maintenance/repair is generic and has been developed to apply to a variety of different circumstances. In some site-specific situations a professional engineer and/or biologist should be consulted. Where fish passage is required, sufficient water depth and appropriate flow velocities must be provided for the fish species and size of fish at the site/area.

Figure 3.19 Culvert shapes
Text version: Figure 3.19 Culvert shapes
Open bottom culvert
Maintains natural bottom substrate and hydraulic capacity of a watercourse (ie. Minimal effects on natural water velocity).
Box culvert
Can be designed to accommodate natural stream width.
Pipe arch culvert
Good for low clearance installations. Wide bottom area allows for retention of natural substrates.
Stacked/multiple culvert
Can provide fish passage over a wider range of flows, depths, and water velocities.
Cylindrical culvert
If properly designed and installed does not limit fish passage. Can constrict stream width and create high velocities. Culvert installation

When installing culverts, consider these best management practices: Culvert maintenance / repair

Culvert lining is the re-enforcing of a culvert required because of a failure of the integrity of the structure, often times as a result of corrosion or physical damage. This would include replacing the bottom of corroded steel culverts with concrete or other material, or inserting sleeves/liners (e.g., High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liners) inside weakened or deformed culverts (Figure 3.28). Ideally damaged culverts should be entirely replaced with new corrugated culverts, however in some scenarios liners and inverts are less costly and require less upheaval of the surrounding area and can effectively extend the life of a culvert. Due to the nature of the installation of both culvert liners and concrete inverts this work will be done in the dry, with the watercourse diverted in some way or pumped around. The use of liners and inverts should still follow all of the aforementioned best management practices for culvert installation such as water depth, velocity, stream gradient, etc.

Figure 3.28 Examples of repaired culverts (top image shows concrete reinforcement and bottom image shows HDPE liner)

When conducting maintenance or repairs on culverts, consider these best management practices:

Note: Modifications of the above criteria in consultation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) may be required to address the passage of fish species other than salmon, brook trout, and brown trout in culvert installations. Further, site-specific considerations may warrant modification of the above guidance, as deemed appropriate and in consultation with the department. Detailed guidelines for culvert maintenance can be found in the culvert maintenance code of practice on the Projects Near Water website.

3.3.4 Underground watercourse crossings

Project developments sometimes require that streams be crossed by water pipes, sanitary sewers, underground cables, etc. The number of crossings should be minimized. Necessary crossings should follow roads, thereby reducing the overall impact on the stream. Construction of underground facilities results in disturbance to the stream bed and may produce downstream sedimentation. Improperly constructed underground crossings can also result in “piping”, reducing and in extreme cases stopping stream flow below the crossing site.

When undertaking developments beneath the streambed, the following best management practices are provided:

Figure 3.29 A properly installed underground stream crossing is constructed in the dry, back- filled and topped with appropriate substrate to retain the original characteristics of the stream bottom

3.3.5 Timber cribwork

Timber cribs are used as erosion control/stabilization structures as well as being part of wharf or dock structures and bridge abutments. When utilizing timber cribwork, the following best management practices are provided:

Figure 3.30 Infill materials for timber cribs should be blocky, angular and free of fines or sediment
Figure 3.31 Untreated or pressure treated wood should be used for timber crib construction

3.3.6 Causeways

A causeway for linear development should only be constructed when alternate routes prove to be unfeasible. If causeway installation is necessary, the causeway should cross the shortest possible length of the waterbody or wetland area and provide for fish passage (Figure 3.32).

Figure 3.32 Aerial view of Alexis River bridge and causeway constructed along the Trans-Labrador Highway. Photo credit: G. Jin et al. 2003

When constructing a causeway, the following guidance is provided:

3.4 Site preparation, buffer zones, decommissioning and rehabilitation

Site preparation activities, such as clearing and grubbing, can release sediment into nearby watercourses, resulting in damage to fish and fish habitat. Much of the impact of site preparation activities can be reduced or eliminated by a preliminary site visit and adequate planning that considers the development of an erosion control program. Effective mitigations such as buffer zones should always be considered prior to the preparation of project sites, since these areas provide considerable protection to adjacent watercourses from the impacts of nearby activities. Consideration should be given to the provision of long-term erosion protection for all aspects of site rehabilitation including the proper removal of roads, ditches and stream crossing structures. General considerations for site preparation, buffer zones and abandonment are:

Sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.4 provide detailed information on site preparation, buffer zones and abandonment

3.4.1 Stockpiling

Material stripped from a construction site during site preparation is often stockpiled. Stripping involves the removal of topsoil and overburden before the construction of an access road or facilities. Topsoil and organic material are often kept at the construction site for use in revegetation following the completion of construction activities. Stockpiled overburden material is often removed from the site and should be disposed of at a landfill approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies.

Best management practices for stockpiling are provided below:

3.4.2 Buffer zones

Buffer zones should be maintained along watercourses for erosion protection (Figures 3.33 and 3.34). The width of the buffer will depend on soil characteristics, the steepness of the slope leading to bodies of water, the type and quality of habitat being protected, and the type of activity being buffered. Table 3.2 outlines recommended buffer zone widths for a variety of activities when carried out near water bodies. Larger buffers also exist around protected public water supply areas (PPWSA; see Table 3.3).

Figure 3.33 Buffer zones of undisturbed vegetation should be maintained between watercourses and development activities
Aerial view of stream with strip of vegetation along its banks.
Figure 3.34 Illustration of a well-maintained buffer zone

For specific details regarding buffer zones with respect to various industry operations, please consult reference material accompanying Table 3.2.

Despite differences in the design criteria, buffer zones generally function to:

Table 3.2 Recommended minimum buffer zone requirements for activities near watercourses
Activity Recommended buffer associated reference
Urban development 15 md
Recreational cottage lot development 30 me
Land disturbance (i.e., timber cutting, silviculture, roads, skid trails, landings, clearing of vegetation, etc) 20 ma, b, c1, f
20 m + 1.5 x slope (if slope > 30 %)a, b, c1, f
30 mb to 50 mf (near scheduled salmon rivers)
Grubbing 30 ma, b, c1
Piling 30 mc1
Reservoir clearing (i.e., hydroelectric) 15 mf
Quarries / burrow pits 50 ma to 100 mb, f
Slash / debris 30 mc1 / above high water marka
Camps 30 mc2
Fuel (< 25 L); storage / handling / use 15 mb, f
Fuel (< 2000 L); storage / handling 30 mb, f
Bulk fuel (> 2000 L); storage / handling / use 100 ma, b, c1, f
Equipment servicing / washing / refueling 30 ma
Blasting 200 mb, c1, f

a. Forestry: Environmental Protection Guidelines for Forestry Operations in Newfoundland and Labrador; Department of Fisheries and Land Resources, 2018.
b. Linear Development: TL 267 Overland Transmission Environmental Protection Plan; Nalcor, 2016.
c1. Mining: Environmental Protection Plan Big Triangle Pond Mineral Exploration Resource Access Road and Associated Mineral Exploration Activities; Eagleridge International Limited, 2015.;
c2. Mining: Mineral Act, 2014.
d. Urban: The 1994 Development Regulations; City of St. John's, 2020.
e. Rural: Remote Recreational Cottage; Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture webpage, 2021.
f. Hydroelectric: LITL Vegetation Protection and Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan; Nalcor, 2014.

Table 3.3a Recommended minimum buffer zone requirements for activities near Protected Public Water Supply Areas
Protected Water Supply Area Recommended Buffer Widths*
Intake Pond, Lake, or Reservoir Minimum 150 m
River Intake (for a distance of 1 km upstream and 100 m downstream) Minimum 150 m
Main River Channel Minimum 75 m
Major Tributaries, Lakes or Ponds Minimum 50 m
Other Waterbodies Minimum 30 m

*Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2021.

Table 3.3b Minimum buffer zone requirements for petroleum products
Petroleum Products Regulatory Requirements*
Refueling 150 m
Tank storage 500 m

*Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2021.

When planning and maintaining buffer zones, the following best management practices are provided:

3.4.3 Right-of-way clearing and grubbing

The clearing, removal and disposal of vegetation (trees, logs and brush) is often accompanied by grubbing activities, which involve the removal and disposal of roots and stumps (Figure 3.35). These activities are common practices in many construction-related operations and are important issues to address when such developments are adjacent to a watercourse. The extent of clearing and grubbing associated with creating right-of-way widths depends upon the type of project and the vegetation cover present.

Figure 3.35 Right-of-way clearing and grubbing is commonly associated with many construction developments, including roads, pipelines and transmission lines
Forest showing area being cleared of vegetation

Best management practices for right-of-way clearing and grubbing are provided below:

Figure 3.36 Example of no grub zone along right of way and adjacent to watercourse (above) and sematic depicting 30 m no grub zone (below)

3.4.4 Site reclamation and abandonment

To ensure the protection of fish and fish habitat, site reclamation for any development activity is an issue that should be addressed during the planning stage. The following best management practices should be considered with respect to site reclamation and abandonment:

3.5 Instream work in the dry

Instream work should be avoided, where possible. Potential adverse effects of improperly conducted instream work include sedimentation of downstream habitat and alteration, disruption or destruction of habitat at the work site. However, it is recognized that at times it may be necessary to perform instream work as part of a project development. Work is defined as “instream” when it is performed anywhere within the high water mark. This includes work outside the wetted perimeter of a stream during periods of low flow. Effective worksite isolation can significantly reduce unnecessary damage to fish and fish habitat. Some potential adverse impacts of improperly conducted instream work include direct damage to substrates, loss of riparian habitat, entrapment of fish in dry work areas, increased erosion and sedimentation, and obstruction of fish passage.

When conducting instream work in the dry, the following should be considered:

Sections 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 provide information on specific methods of conducting instream work in the dry through the use of diversion channels or elevated piping in combination with cofferdams.

3.5.1 Cofferdams

This technique is recommended for relatively short term projects on smaller streams or during low flow periods, but can also be applied in larger rivers, ponds or lakes. Essentially, a cofferdam extends from the shore, encircles the area of the stream to be closed off and then returns to the shore. Cofferdams can be used alone to isolate work areas along stream margins from stream flow (Figure 3.37), or in conjunction with temporary diversion channels or elevated piping to create a dry work area that spans the full width of a stream (Figure 3.38). A cofferdam usually consists of a double row of sand bags with plastic between the rows. Only clean, sediment-free materials should be used as fill and all bags and materials must be removed after construction is completed.

Figure 3.37 Cofferdams can be used to isolate stream margin work areas from stream flow
Construction of a building next to a stream showing the use of a cofferdam.
Figure 3.38 Cofferdams can be used in conjunction with temporary diversion channels to create a dry work area
Example of cofferdam and temporary diversion channel with a diagram showing diverted water flow.

Best management practices related to cofferdams are provided below:

3.5.2 Temporary diversion channel

A temporary diversion (Figure 3.39) is one method used to conduct instream work in the dry. This method is usually limited only by the availability of space within which to construct a diversion. The water is diverted into an excavated stream bypass lined with plastic and secured with crushed stone. These diversions should always be excavated in isolation from stream flow, starting from the bottom end of the diversion channel and working upstream to minimize sediment production.

Figure 3.39 Features of a well-constructed temporary diversion
Text version: Figure 3.39 Features of a well-constructed temporary diversion


  • Cofferdam – below upstream end of diversion
  • Diversion
  • Dry work area
  • Pump (to pump silted water)
  • Cofferdam – above downstream end of diversion

Stream diversions should be completed as quickly as possible, preferably within a single day during the low flow period. Upon completion of the instream work, the stream should be restored to original configuration and stabilized to prevent bank erosion around the temporary diversion.

When utilizing temporary diversion channels, the following information is provided:

Figure 3.40 Temporary diversion channels should be lined with plastic that is weighted down with stone

3.5.3 Elevated piping

Elevated pipes (Figure 3.41) can be used to carry out instream work in the dry as an alternative to the use of cofferdams and pumps or in circumstances where site constraints preclude the construction of a temporary diversion.

Figure 3.41 Elevated pipe

Best management practices on elevated piping are provided below:

Figure 3.42 Stream crossing dewatered by means of an elevated pipe

3.6 Water withdrawal

Improper design and/or construction of a water withdrawal structure can result in such adverse effects as dewatering of downstream areas, obstruction of fish passage and entrainment or impingement of fish on fish screens. Water withdrawal should be planned with consideration for maintenance of downstream flows and intakes should be equipped with fish screens (screening, netting or mesh) designed and installed in such a manner as to prevent potential losses of fish due to entrainment or impingement.

The installation and maintenance of a fish screen (Figure 3.43) at freshwater intakes is the responsibility of the proponent. This requirement is intended to limit the potential negative impacts that water extraction may have on fish present, the severity of which depends upon the abundance, distribution, size, swimming ability, and behavior of fish in the vicinity of the intake. As well, water velocity, flow and depth, intake design, screen mesh size, installation and construction procedures and other physical factors need to be considered.

Figure 3.43 Examples of typical applications and features of end-of-pipe fish screens
Types include floating and fully-submerged water withdrawal systems with fish screens.

Best management practices related to water withdrawal are provided below:

3.7 Stormwater drains

Storm drains are used to conduct storm water away from developed lots, buildings and housing developments, etc. Water enters storm sewers from impervious structures such as parking lots, roads and building roofs as well as through soil percolation and inflow. Storm sewers frequently directly discharge into the nearest watercourse without any treatment or storage.

Storm drainage can have implications on stream basin hydrology and water quality of the receiving watercourse. An inflow of storm sewer water can change stream basin hydrology both in the rate and the quality of runoff. Rapid runoff during storms may cause bank destabilization, erosion, sedimentation, and displacement of fish. Reduced base flow conditions between storm events may decrease the amount of usable fish habitat and may cause a reduction in the standing stock of fish within a watercourse. Urban runoff can contain many contaminants including:

The introduction of such substances into the freshwater environment can negatively affect fish populations.

Best management practices for the design, installation and maintenance of stormwater drains are provided below:

Figure 3.44 Storm drainage outlets should be connected to the receiving watercourse by a channel with orientation parallel to the flow of the receiving watercourse

3.8 Borrow sites / quarries and asphalt / cement plants

The location of borrow sites/quarries and asphalt/cement plants should consider local drainage patterns, fish and fish habitat, and nearby watercourses. All proposed sources of borrow material should be approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies. Borrow sites/quarries and sites for asphalt/cement plant operations should allow for:

Best management practices on borrow sites, quarries, and sites for asphalt/cement plant operations are provided below:

3.9 Blasting / explosives

Blasting in or near water produces shock waves that can damage fish swim bladders and rupture internal organs. Blasting vibrations may also kill or damage fish eggs or larvae.

If explosives are required as part of a project, the potential for impacts to fish and fish habitat can be minimized by implementing the following measures:

Table 3.4 Minimum required distances from a watercourse for blasting (confined charges)
Habitat Weight of explosive charge (kg)
0.5 1 5 10 25 50
H1 7 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 35 m 50 m
H2 15 m 20 m 45 m 65 m 100 m 143 m

H1 = rearing/general fish habitat
H2= spawning habitat where egg or early fish development is occurring

3.10 Dredging

Dredging requires the removal of material from the bed of a watercourse by mechanical means and has the potential to harmfully impact fish and fish habitat. Dredging often occurs in areas where the water depth precludes working in the dry.

In order to minimize the effects of dredging in standing freshwater, the following best management practices are provided:

Figure 3.46 Suspended curtain to contain suspended sediment in immediate work area

Depending on the time of year, dredging activities in estuaries could interfere with the seaward or return migration of anadromous (sea-run) salmonid species. This could have implications on fish survival or on spawning success (if the dredging activities interfere with return spawning migration).

Best management practices for dredging in estuary regions of rivers are provided below:

Note: An ocean dumping permit may be required if dredged material is to be disposed of in the marine environment. Environment and Climate Change Canada should be contacted before carrying out any dredging activities in estuaries, in order to determine if a permit is required.

3.11 Forest harvesting and related activities

The growing mechanization of the logging/timber harvesting sector and the accelerated construction of access roads has increased the potential for these activities to negatively impact fish and fish habitat.

Potential adverse impacts of forestry activities on fish and fish habitat include:

The Forestry Guidelines for the Protection of Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador (Scruton et al. 1997) should be consulted for detailed forestry-related guidelines.

General recommended practices for forest harvesting are provided below:

Section 3.11.1 provides information on fish and fish habitat protection measures that should be incorporated into the use of forwarder trails.

3.11.1 Forwarder trails

Forwarder trails are used to transport timber to roadside. When the forest floor is compacted by machinery operating on trails, the natural filtering action of the soil is destroyed. Surface water is no longer absorbed, but is collected by wheel ruts, which act as drainage ditches (Figure 3.47). As the water flows into these ruts, soil is eroded and large volumes of sediment can be discharged into nearby watercourses, damaging fish habitat and aquatic life. A forwarder trail that has been left unprotected may continue to wash out and create sedimentation problems long after the harvesting operation has been completed.

Figure 3.47 Wheel ruts in forwarder trails can facilitate the movement of sediment-laden water into nearby watercourses

Best management practices for forwarder trails are provided below:

Figure 3.48 Mudlogs divert water off of the trail and onto the forest floor

3.12 Linear development

The construction of linear developments (e.g. highways, resource roads, transmission lines, pipelines, and fibre optics cable development) involves a variety of activities. Earlier sections of this document have presented fish and fish habitat protection measures for several activities that are often associated with linear developments (i.e. ditching, watercourse crossings, right-of-way clearing, stormwater drains, borrow sites/quarries and blasting/explosives). All of these sections should be consulted when planning and designing a proposed linear development.

Due to the large number of activities involved in linear development, there are a variety of potential adverse effects that may result from poor design and construction of these facilities. Failure to consider fish and fish habitat protection measures during activities associated with linear developments can result in sedimentation of fish habitat. Blasting operations require mitigation to protect fish from injury. Inadequately designed watercourse crossings and stormwater drains can have implications on stream hydraulic characteristics and fish passage.

When designing and constructing linear developments, the following general best management practices should be considered:

Sections 3.12.1 through 3.12.3 present general information for various types of linear development

3.12.1 Highways / resource roads

Roads can cause negative environmental effects that degrade rather than enhance the natural environment. Unless roads are properly designed and planned, and care is exercised in construction, undesirable disturbances to aquatic environments are likely to occur (McCubbin et. al., 1990).

Best management practices for road construction are provided below:

3.12.2 Transmission lines

Like other linear developments, the activities involved in the construction of transmission line developments (watercourse crossings, right-of-way clearing, etc.) can have negative impacts on fish and fish habitat, such as habitat destruction or alteration and sedimentation. However, when properly managed, these harmful effects can be effectively mitigated.

Best management practices for transmission line development are provided below:

3.12.3 Fibre optic cable development

The activities involved in the construction of fibre optic cable developments (watercourse crossings, right-of-way clearing, etc.) can have negative impacts on fish and fish habitat, such as habitat destruction or alteration and sedimentation. However, when properly managed, these harmful effects can be effectively mitigated.

When planning and constructing fibre optic cable developments, the following best management practices are provided:

3.13 Mineral exploration

Without proper planning and implementation of mitigation measures, mineral exploration activities can result in a variety of chemical and physical impacts on fish and fish habitat. Chemical pollution of the freshwater environment can result from such releases as acid mine drainage, sewage discharge and accidental hydrocarbon spills. Physical impacts can be caused by mineral exploration activities if waste rock, particulate material, sand or gravel is dumped or washed into watercourses. In mineral exploration activities, the removal of vegetation and soil overburden is often necessary to gain access to the mineral deposit; topsoil and foliage can then wash into nearby watercourses resulting in siltation or obstruction of watercourses.

Common practices associated with mineral exploration include clearing and timber salvage, stripping and stockpiling, quarries and borrow areas, blasting, access road construction, watercourse crossings, and abandonment and rehabilitation.

Mitigation practices associated with these activities are addressed throughout this document. Best management practices associated with mineral exploration include:

Figure 3.49 Debris/waste from exploration activities should be removed

3.14 Urban Development

Watercourses in urban areas are altered for a variety of reasons ranging from flood control to maximizing land area available for development.

Roads, sewers, water mains, power lines and telephone cables cross watercourses within urban areas and, in most cases, do so more or less at random. Ideally, all developments, both residential and industrial, should be designed to retain the natural state of watercourses and to minimize stream diversions and crossings.

Addressed in previous sections of this document are mitigation techniques for:

Physical habitat concerns associated with urban development include erosion, sedimentation, loss of riparian vegetation and obstruction of fish passage. The implications of urbanization on water quantity and quality should also be considered in addressing and implementing measures to mitigate potential impacts on fish and fish habitat.

Best management practices for urban development include:

3.15 Hydroelectric developments

Activities associated with hydroelectric developments (dam construction, flooding/inundation, dewatering, etc) can have a negative impact on fish and fish habitat. Depending on the capacity of the storage basin and the quality of flows that are being diverted, the construction and operation of a hydroelectric facility can have the following impacts:

When planning, operating or constructing hydroelectric developments, the following best management practices are provided:

Fish and fish habitat protection measures associated with linear developments such as transmission facilities and access roads associated with hydroelectric developments should also be addressed.

4.0 Glossary

The newly hatched salmon with yolk sac still attached.
Fish which migrate to freshwater to spawn but live all or part of adult life at sea.
A barrier or obstruction that deflects, checks or dampens water flow. Culvert baffles are flow interference structures usually in the form of low weirs.
Broken stone, gravel, slag, or similar material used to fill timber cribwork.
The rising ground bordering a stream channel.
Bed load:
Sediment moving on or near the stream bed and frequently in contact with it.
Mound of earth that can be used to direct or divert surface water.
Buffer zone:
Undisturbed border of vegetation (trees, shrubs, grass, etc.) along a stream or pond which isolates and protects the aquatic environment from nearby construction activities.
Check dam:
Impermeable dam constructed within a ditch to reduce water velocity, retain sediment, and prevent erosion.
An impermeable temporary structure used to divert flow and isolate an area in a watercourse or waterbody to allow work to be carried out in the dry while maintaining downstream flow and coastal currents. Construction can often be a double wall of sand bags with plastic in between.
A fiberglass, metal, concrete, plastic or wooden conduit used to pass water under an access route. Culverts are used to provide permanent or temporary access across a watercourse.
Culvert lining:
The re-enforcing of a culvert required because of a failure of the integrity of the structure, often as a result of corrosion or physical damage.
Deleterious substance:
Any substance that, if added to any water, would degrade or alter the water quality such that it could directly or indirectly harm fish, fish habitat, or the use of fish by humans.
Dissolved oxygen:
The concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water, expressed in mg/L or as percent saturation, where saturation is the maximum amount of oxygen that can theoretically be dissolved in water at a given altitude and temperature.
Diversion channel:
A temporary structure used to divert water from a watercourse to conduct instream work in the dry while maintaining downstream flow.
Occurs when a fish is drawn into a water intake and cannot escape.
The process of soil and rock weathering caused by natural means (e.g. water, wind, ice, etc.) or by construction related disturbance.
Filter fabric:
Synthetic fabric used to remove suspended sediment in runoff from disturbed work areas; also used in the construction of some bank stabilization structures to prevent erosion.
Fisheries resource:
Fish stocks or populations that sustain commercial, recreational or subsistence fishing activities of benefit to Canadians.
Chemical additive that holds minute suspended particles together.
Flood plain:
Flat land bordering a stream that is subject to flooding during high water events.
Flow regime:
Seasonal variations in the hydraulic characteristics of stream flows.
Ford (fording):
A shallow, stable crossing location that does not require alteration of the bed or bank of the watercourse, such as by wading across. Typically a one-time crossing (over and back).
A rock filled metal cage or basket used for bank or slope stabilization.
Synthetic fabric used to stabilize banks & slopes; allows water to flow through but prevents the erosion of underlying soil.
The removal of vegetation, stumps, debris, etc. from a development site.
The study of water as it occurs on, over, and under the earth surface as streamflow, water, vapour, precipitation, soil moisture, and groundwater.
Any material that will not permit passage of a fluid.
Occurs when an entrapped fish is held in contact with the intake screen and is unable to free itself.
The lowest point in the internal cross section of an artificial or natural channel.
Actions taken during the planning, design, construction and operation of works and undertakings to reduce or eliminate potential adverse impacts of activities on fish and fish habitat.
No grub zone:
An area of no grubbing (i.e., removal of vegetation, stumps, debris, etc.) for 30 m on each side of a watercourse.
Ordinary high water mark:
The usual or average level to which a body of water rises at its highest point and remains for sufficient time so as to change the characteristics of the land.
A deep, slow moving, quiet portion of a stream.
Rearing area:
Shallow riffles or pools in a stream which provide young fish with adequate shelter and food.
A shallow section of a stream or river  with rapid current and surface flow broken by gravel, rubble, or boulders. Usually separated by deeper pools.
Area adjacent to streams, lakes, and wetlands that support a unique mixture of water-tolerant vegetation from trees and shrubs to aquatic and herbaceous plants.
Angular rock used for bank and slope stabilization.
That part of precipitation appearing in surface streams.
A fish belonging to Family Salmonidae, which includes salmon, trouts, chars, whitefish, and grayling.
To break up and loosen the surface of the ground.
The settling and accumulation of material out of the water column and onto the stream bed. Occurs when the energy of flowing water is unable to support the load of suspended sediment.
Settling pond:
Basin constructed to collect runoff from disturbed work areas and allow settling of sediment prior to release into the aquatic environment; often used in series.
The residue left on the ground after trees are felled or accumulated there as a result of storm, fire or silvicultural treatment.
Spawning area:
Section of stream offering the appropriate size gravel, water velocity, and water depth for spawning and egg development.
Straw barrier:
Straw bales used in ditches to reduce water velocity, retain sediment, and prevent erosion.
Swim bladder:
A hydrostatic organ present in most fishes that consists of a gas-filled sac lying dorsal to the alimentary canal. Also known as the air bladder of a fish.
Temporary clear span bridge:
Small scale bridge structures (e.g., Bailey bridge or log stringer bridge) that completely span the watercourse, do not alter the stream bed or bank, and are a maximum of one lane wide. The bridge structure (including bridge approaches, abutments, footings, and armouring) is built entirely above the ordinary high water mark.
Sloping ground cut into a succession of benches for purposes of controlling surface runoff, minimizing soil erosion and encouraging revegetation.
A general term to include characteristics of the ground surface such as plains, hills, and mountains, degree of relief, steepness of slopes, and other physiographic features.
The seepage or loss of water under a culvert, or other structure.
Water balance:
The balance between water entering a watershed and water leaving a watershed (i.e. precipitation minus all vapour and liquid transport losses out of a watershed).
Wetted perimeter:
The boundary of the channel cross section that is in contact with stream flow.
Winter crossings (Ice bridges and snow fills):
These are two methods used for temporary winter access in remote areas. Ice bridges are constructed on large watercourses that have sufficient stream flow and water depth to prevent the ice bridge from coming into contact with the stream bed or restricting water movement beneath the ice. Snow fills are temporary stream crossings constructed by filling a stream channel with clean compacted snow, and are typically used for crossing smaller watercourses.
% exceedence:
Refers to the percentage of time a particular flow within a watercourse is equaled or exceeded with respect to flow duration data. For example, a 90% exceedence value is in reference to the flow being equaled or exceeded 90% of the time.

5.0 Bibliography

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Nalcor Energy. 2016. TL 267 Overland Transmission Environmental Protection Plan. Retrieved from Brunswick Department of Transportation. 1995. Environmental Protection Plan. NB Department of Transportation.

Newfoundland and Labrador Petroleum Regulations, 1991. Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Environmental Services Department. 1988. A Generic Environmental Protection Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Transmission Facilities.

Newfoundland Department of Environment, Water Resources Management Division. 1993. Guidelines for Preparing Development Plans for Forest Harvesting Operations Within Protected Water Supply Areas.

Newfoundland Department of Environment, Water Resources Management Division. 1994. Environmental Guidelines for Stream Crossings by All-terrain Vehicles.

Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources. 1995. Guidelines for Conducting Petroleum Exploration Surveys in the Newfoundland and Labrador Onshore Area. Draft January, 1995.

Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Lands Division. 1995. Environmental Guidelines for Construction and Mineral Exploration Companies.

Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Lands Division. 1993. Office Consolidation of The Quarry Materials Regulations.

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Peake SJ. 2008. Swimming performance and behaviour of fish species endemic to Newfoundland and Labrador: A literature review for the purpose of establishing design and water velocity criteria for fishways and culverts. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2843: v + 52p.

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Appendix A

Appendix A focuses on salmonid biology and habitat requirements but it is recognized that there are other, non-salmonid species found within the province.

Figure A1 Typical life cycle and habitat requirements of a salmonid fish (from Buchanan et al. 1989)
Text version: Figure A1 Typical life cycle and habitat requirements of a salmonid fish (from Buchanan et al. 1989)

Brook trout prefer upper reaches for spawning.

Parr inhabit pool and riffle habitat.

Stretch with clean gravel and good water flow for redd formation and spawning.

Large pink or orange eggs are buried in gravel. Only 20% of eggs will survive to fry stage.

Larvae with attached yolk sacs remain in gravel.

Fry emerge in spring and require shallow areas with lots of cover. Only 10% of salmon fry survive to smolt stage.

Atlantic salmon smolt run to sea (10%) survive to adulthood.

Sea run trout and char do not venture far from their home streams.

Atlantic salmon range many miles at sea for 1-3 years before returning to spawn.

Redd formation and spawning in fall. Spring for rainbow trout.

The majority of the freshwater species fished in Newfoundland and Labrador are salmonids. The term salmonid refers to any fish species of the Family Salmonidae. There are 32 species of salmonids in Canada. Of these, 8 occur in Newfoundland and Labrador:

Some of the salmonid species are difficult to distinguish, particularly at the younger stages. Fish from saltwater or from different ponds or streams may differ considerably in coloration and general appearance. In addition, some of these species, such as brown trout, may interbreed with salmon or brook trout to produce hybrids. The brown-brook trout cross is termed “tiger trout” and may be fairly common on the Avalon Peninsula. Additional salmonid species in the province are lake trout and whitefish that occur only in Labrador (some lake whitefish may be found in isolated areas in Newfoundland). Atlantic salmon and brook trout are, by far, the most important freshwater fish on the island portion of the province with Arctic char also playing an important role in Labrador.

This section of the manual, from reference documents specific to Newfoundland and Labrador, is a very brief overview of the range of habitat preferences for the various life cycle stages of numerous salmonids including:

The first 3 species have been highlighted since these represent the species most fished and in fact the species for which most enhancement and restoration projects are conducted. The last two are introduced salmonid species that have gained status in the province as a sport fish. They can also compete with resident species and hence their habitat requirements are briefly outlined.

In addition to salmonids, other recreational/subsistence fish species may be present, particularly in Labrador, such as:

All 8 of the listed salmonid species, as well as American eels and rainbow smelt, are similar in that they all have the biological capability of moving between fresh and saltwater although not all populations do so. Populations that spawn in freshwater but run to sea for feeding purposes are termed sea-run or anadromous. As discussed in the previous sections, stream-resident salmonids are similar in their general habitat requirements for:

There are specific differences between species in time of spawning, some differences in the type of area where a species can spawn successfully (i.e. headwater stream vs. rocky shoal in a lake), and differences in adult feeding areas.

Habitat requirements of salmonids in Newfoundland and Labrador

Atlantic Salmon / Ouananiche

Atlantic Salmon / Ouananiche.
Background information

Spawning usually occurs between October 15 and November 20 in Newfoundland and between September 1 and October 31 in Labrador (Scruton et al., 1997). Redds, or nests, consist of several depressions 10-50 cm deep where the female will lay her eggs (Bley, 1987; Calkins, 1989). Once eggs are laid and fertilized, the female will cover the eggs with about 10-25 cm of substrate (Bley, 1987).

Redds are normally a distinctive, elongated mound of relatively clean gravel. The optimum location for a spawning redd is a shallow, gravelly area at the tail of a pool where the water velocity is increasing. Other locations may include the head of a pool, the downstream end of riffles or areas near upwelling of ground water. Before and after spawning, nearby pools may be used by adults for resting.

Eggs incubate during winter and will usually hatch in April. The newly emerged alevin will remain in the gravel until their yolk sac is absorbed (typically May or June). Fry will emerge from the gravel and stay in shallow riffle areas near the redd until about 65 mm in length.

Typical juvenile (parr) habitat is composed of riffle areas with gravel or cobble substrate (Buchanan et al. 1989). Good rearing habitat in Newfoundland is generally characterized by large numbers of instream boulders where young can shelter.

Life stage, habitat variable and suitable range of values (from literature)

Arctic Char

Arctic char.
Background information

Arctic char are principally found in Labrador, however, some populations are known to occur within Newfoundland in some of the deeper lakes, on the Northern Peninsula (Bradbury et al. 1999) as well as Gander Lake (O’Connell and Dempson 2002), with a few anadromous populations. Char are usually very slow growing with the largest ones normally recorded from the northern anadromous populations.

Anadromous char may migrate to the sea for feeding during summer but they do not range as far from their home rivers as do Atlantic salmon (tens of miles vs. hundreds of miles) and they do not jump obstacles as well as salmon.

Life stage, habitat variable and suitable range of values (from literature)

Brook Trout

Brook Trout.
Background information

Brook trout are also known locally as mud trout and speckled trout. They are the most common salmonid in Newfoundland streams and ponds and are an important recreation and food fish. A portion of some populations may migrate to the ocean, generally staying within the brackish, estuarine habitat.

Brook trout spawn between October 1 and 31 on Insular Newfoundland and between September 1 and 30 in Labrador (Scruton et al., 1997).

Preferred spawning areas are in cool, clear headwater streams with clean well-ventilated gravel, in water depths of approximately 61 cm. Spawning can also occur in lakes, particularly in gravelly areas subject to spring upwelling and moderate water currents.

Female brook trout digs a redd and deposits her eggs. One male is in attendance but both sexes will drive out intruders. Some Newfoundland trout mature at a very small length (eg. 8-15 cm); some are precocious while others are dwarf populations.

Eggs will hatch in approximately 100 days (exact timing depends upon water temperature). The dissolved oxygen content of the water flowing through the redd should not fall below 50% saturation for embryo development to occur (Harshbarger, 1975). The young (alevin) will remain within the spaces in the gravel until their yolk-sac is absorbed (~38 mm in length).

The fry prefer the quiet, shallow edge areas of a stream and they tend to utilize pools more than young salmon. Older juveniles tend to frequent the riffle areas.

Temperature tolerance ranges between 0-25 °C although acclimation is required for extreme changes. Optimal growth of brook trout occurs between 11-14 °C (Raleigh, 1982).

Optimal brook trout habitat in streams is characterized by a pool:riffle ratio of 1:1, well vegetated banks, abundant instream cover, and stable water flows and temperatures. Instream cover and deep pools may also be very important for ensuring overwintering success.

Life stage, habitat variable and suitable range of values (from literature)

Brown Trout

Brown Trout.
Background information

Brown Trout are common on the Avalon Peninsula where sea- run populations have become established. In some areas, they may tend to displace native brook trout since they are more tolerant of certain kinds of pollution such as increased turbidity and warmer water temperatures. They tend to occupy lower stream reaches, grow faster and to a larger size, live longer and are harder to angle than brook trout. Browns have a preference for undercut banks and grassy areas. Sometimes the largest fish will be found hiding in grasses in very shallow water.

Brown trout generally spawn in the late fall - early winter period; later than brook trout. Their eggs are amber in colour as opposed to the other salmonids whose eggs are orange or pink. Eggs usually hatch in April. They are capable of producing hybrids with both brook trout (called 'tiger trout'), salmon and rainbow trout.

Habitat requirements

Habitat requirements of brown trout are similar to those of brook trout.

Brown trout are more tolerant of high temperatures and can tolerate a range between 0°C and 27°C, although optimal growth is between 12°C and 19°C (Raleigh et al., 1986).

Brown trout are less tolerant of low pH than brook trout and normally occur within a pH range of 5.0 - 9.5 (Raleigh et al., 1986).

They may utilize the same gravel substrate in headwater spawning areas as brook trout as well as habitat in the lower reaches.

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout.
Background information

Rainbow trout were originally native to western North America but have been introduced throughout. Sea-run populations are known as steelhead and are a most sought after game fish.

Rainbows were introduced to Newfoundland from the mainland in 1887. They have been transplanted in various locations across the province over the years and are now found in many systems on the Island portion of the province. They generally prefer more open and faster water than do brook trout of equal size.

Growth and maximum size is highly variable and dependent upon environmental conditions. They are not particularly long-lived (i.e. about 6-8 years).

Habitat requirements

Adults in Newfoundland prefer lake habitat (clear, cold, deep lakes) over stream habitat except during spawning season. Inlet or outlet streams with gravel bottom riffle areas are normally required for spawning purposes. Young rainbows normally move into the lake environment during the first growing season or after overwintering in their natal stream.

Rainbow trout typically spawn in the spring with their preferred spawning sites being fine gravel beds in riffles above a pool.

Lake-dwelling populations appear to require feeder streams for successful spawning.

The timing of egg development is highly dependent upon local conditions but eggs normally hatch in about 4 - 7 weeks. Alevins require an additional 3 - 7 days to absorb the yolk before becoming free swimming.

Appendix B

Environmental Emergencies 24-Hour Report Line number (709-772-2083 or 1-800-563-9089) should be utilized to:

Chemical or hydrocarbon spills greater than 70 litres must be reported. However, it is recommended that spills less than 70 litres also be reported. If required, refer to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act for a list of regulated toxic substances. Additionally, to ensure a quick and effective response to a spill event is possible, spill response equipment, such as adsorbents and open-ended barrels for collection of cleanup debris, should be readily available and stored in an accessible location on-site for any work in or near freshwater. Personnel working on the project should be knowledgeable about response procedures.

To report an environmental concern which is not an emergency please contact:

Contact information

Regional Office: Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
80 East White Hills Road
P.O. Box 5667
St. John’s NL A1C 5X1

Phone: 709 772-4140

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