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Measures to protect fish and fish habitat

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Comply with the fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act by incorporating measures to avoid:

Works, undertaking or activities where impacts to fish and fish habitat can be avoided if you can follow the measures to protect fish and fish habitat include:

You’re responsible for reviewing the complete list of measures and implementing those that are applicable to your work, undertaking or activity. If you can’t completely implement the protection measures, check if your project needs a review.

Prevent the death of fish

You can prevent the death of fish by:

Maintain riparian vegetation

Measures to maintain riparian vegetation include:

Carry out works, undertakings and activities on land

You can prevent the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat by avoiding:

Maintain fish passage

Maintain fish passage by avoiding:

Ensure proper sediment control

Ensure proper sediment control by:

Prevent entry of deleterious substances in water

Prevent entry of deleterious substances in water by:

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