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Volunteer recognition

Volunteer recognition (PDF, 3 MB)

Recognition is art of saying ‘thanks’ in a way that will have an impact, really resonate and have a lasting effect on your volunteers.

Taking a fresh look at recognition, to keep your most important resource: volunteers

  1. Impact: “I want to know I made a difference”
  1. Frequency: Recognition is not just a once-a-year event, it should be year-round
  1. Variety: One size does not fit all
 A note saying  “thank you, I appreciate your help on this matter. You make a difference”, a certificate of appreciation, going out for a coffee together, soliciting feedback on how their role could be improved, offering training, etc.
Picnics, potlucks and small get-togethers are meaningful ways to recognize volunteers - something that is not costly, but that brings people together in an informal way.
Whether it is putting a volunteers’ role on a name tag as opposed to simply “volunteer,” there are many opportunities to create a welcoming space.

Small craft harbours recognition program

This SCH program acknowledges the efforts and accomplishments of harbour authorities across Canada. We recognize the important role they play in the day-to-day management of facilities and in ensuring the existence of safe and accessible harbours.

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