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Geoduck clam (Panopea generosa): Anatomy, Histology, Development, Pathology, Parasites and Symbionts


The work on the anatomy, histology, development, pathology, parasites and symbionts of geoduck clams was supported by The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program Research and Development (NRC/IRAP 1996-1997 Project # DCGCS 42823W), the British Columbia Information, Science and Technology Agency's Technology Assistance Program (TAP # 98-443), Fan Seafoods, Underwater Harvesters Association, Island Scallops Ltd., and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. Thanks are extended to Gary Meyer of Fisheries and Oceans Canada for his helpful advice, comments and electron microscopy. We are grateful to John Bagshaw and Valerie Rantis, also of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, who assisted with histological preparations. Eric Rome of Archipelago arranged the supply of abnormal geoduck clams. Thanks also to Dave Thomas, Doug Stewart and other harvesters along the coast for setting aside ugly geoducks for examination. We are grateful to Wayne and Walter and other drivers who were willing to stop and transfer geoducks. Thanks also to Bruce Clapp for supplying juvenile geoducks used for experimentation and for submitting samples of cultured geoduck clams that experienced high mortalities or exhibited unusual morphology.

Citation Information

Bower, S.M. and Blackbourn, J. (2003): Geoduck clam (Panopea generosa): Anatomy, Histology, Development, Pathology, Parasites and Symbionts: Acknowledgements.

Date last revised: August 2020
Comments to Susan Bower

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