Cruise 2009-10, 18 August - 4 September 2009
Cruise description
This cruise was very successful. Even though the weather was somewhat bumpy at times, we managed to visit all the stations, some of them twice, by going straight to Station P from station P20 and working on the way back. This was the first cruise where the new Mid-ship rosette station was officially used. Two Haida eddies were situated along Line P while we were there: one centered on station P8 and the other slightly north of station P14. The sampling done during this cruise was performed using a CTD, a Rosette, a Bongo and a Live Reeve net.
Cruise personnel
Chief Scientist: Marie Robert Institute of Ocean Science (DFO)
- Michael Arychuk (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Janet Barwell-Clarke (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Michael Bentley (Canadian Wildlife Service)
- Jennifer Rae Brum (University of Arizona)
- Glenn Cooper (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Marty Davelaar (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Karina Giesbrecht (University of Victoria)
- Damian Grundle (University of Victoria)
- Hollie Johnson (University of Victoria)
- Hugh Maclean (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Kendra Mitchell (University of British Columbia)
- Scott Rose (Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO)
- Johan Schijf (Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland)
- Toby Westberry (Oregon State University)
- Jody Wright (University of British Columbia)
Click on the cast types below to see at which stations the casts were done to access data.



Zooplankton Tow
Table of stations and sampling done
- For HPLC data contact Angelica Peña
- For ONAR data contact Roberta Hamme
- DIC, Alk and pH data are being analyzed and will be available shortly. In the meantime please contact Lisa Miller
- For Live Reeve net plankton data contact Johan Schijf
- For a list of data available in the CTD files please refer to 2009-10-ctd-channels.txt
- For a list of data available in the Rosette files please refer to 2009-10-che-channels.txt
- Rosette data
- Ctd data
Event | Station | Position | Date (UTC),Time (UTC) | Sampling |
1 | SI03 | 48°35.59 , 123°30.01 | 19-Aug-09 , 23:55 | Rosette to 220 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
3 | SI03 | 48°35.58 , 123°30.00 | 20-Aug-09 , 01:04 | Rosette to 200 dbar , ( Ctd data to 203 dbar) |
4 | SI03 | 48°35.59 , 123°30.01 | 20-Aug-09 , 02:38 | Ctd to 200 dbar |
5 | P1 | 48°34.64 , 125°30.02 | 20-Aug-09 , 15:38 | Rosette to 6 dbar , ( Ctd data to 103 dbar) |
6 | P2 | 48°35.92 , 125°59.46 | 20-Aug-09 , 18:03 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 106 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
7 | P2 | 48°35.86 , 125°59.63 | 20-Aug-09 , 19:31 | Bongo tow to 105 m |
8 | P2 | 48°35.90 , 125°59.44 | 20-Aug-09 , 20:37 | Rosette (DMS cast) to 102 dbar , ( Ctd data to 107 dbar) |
9 | P3 | 48°37.52 , 126°20.03 | 21-Aug-09 , 05:14 | Rosette to 8 dbar , ( Ctd data to 800 dbar) |
9.5 | P3.5 | 48°37.96 , 126°32.66 | 21-Aug-09 , 09:04 | Live Reeve net towed at 2 knots for 30 minutes |
10 | P4 | 48°38.98 , 126°40.10 | 21-Aug-09 , 10:43 | Rosette (UBC Deep cast) to 1300 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
11 | P4 | 48°38.98 , 126°39.96 | 21-Aug-09 , 12:38 | Rosette (UBC Shallow & ONAr cast) to 1000 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
12 | P4 | 48°39.32 , 126°39.25 | 21-Aug-09 , 15:41 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 1300 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
13 | P4 | 48°39.08 , 126°39.36 | 21-Aug-09 , 17:13 | Bongo to 250 m |
14 | P4 | 48°39.03 , 126°39.96 | 21-Aug-09 , 17:50 | Rosette (DMS cast) to 200 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
15 | P4 | 48°38.99 , 126°39.96 | 21-Aug-09 , 19:19 | Rosette (Light cast) to 600 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
16 | P5 | 48°41.53 , 127°09.87 | 21-Aug-09 , 22:25 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2009 dbar) |
17 | P6 | 48°44.58 , 127°39.93 | 22-Aug-09 , 02:09 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
18 | P7 | 48°46.61 , 128°09.96 | 22-Aug-09 , 05:53 | Rosette to 6 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
19 | P8 | 48°48.85 , 128°37.74 | 22-Aug-09 , 10:08 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
20 | P8 | 48°48.98 , 128°39.95 | 22-Aug-09 , 11:17 | Rosette to 2003 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
21 | P8 | 48°49.10 , 128°39.89 | 22-Aug-09 , 13:22 | Bongo to 250 m |
22 | P9 | 48°51.37 , 129°09.95 | 22-Aug-09 , 17:38 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
23 | P10 | 48°53.60 , 129°39.92 | 22-Aug-09 , 23:13 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2008 dbar) |
24 | P11 | 48°55.97 , 130°09.88 | 23-Aug-09 , 03:59 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
25 | P12 | 48°57.65 , 130°37.70 | 23-Aug-09 , 08:59 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
26 | P12 | 48°58.14 , 130°39.97 | 23-Aug-09 , 10:03 | Rosette (UBC Deep cast) to 2000 dbar ( Ctd data) |
27 | P12 | 48°58.15 , 130°40.05 | 23-Aug-09 , 11:37 | Bongo to 250 m |
28 | P12 | 48°58.19 , 130°40.00 | 23-Aug-09 , 12:17 | Rosette (UBC Shallow cast) to 1000 dbar ( Ctd data) |
29 | P12 | 48°58.13 , 130°40.08 | 23-Aug-09 , 13:44 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 3276 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
30 | P12 | 48°58.18 , 130°40.01 | 23-Aug-09 , 17:34 | Rosette (DMS cast) to 199 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
31 | P12 | 48°58.22 , 130°40.00 | 23-Aug-09 , 18:35 | Rosette (Light cast) to 601 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
32 | P13 | 49°02.63 , 131°40.06 | 24-Aug-09 , 01:10 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2005 dbar) |
33 | P14 | 47°07.43 , 132°39.97 | 24-Aug-09 , 06:38 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
34 | P15 | 49°12.04 , 133°39.92 | 24-Aug-09 , 12:46 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
35 | P16 | 49°16.71 , 134°43.16 | 24-Aug-09 , 21:09 | Rosette (DMS cast) to 201 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
36 | P16 | 49°16.82 , 134°43.15 | 24-Aug-09 , 22:26 | Rosette (Light cast) to 600 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
37 | P16 | 49°16.72 , 134°43.10 | 25-Aug-09 , 00:58 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 3688 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
38 | P18 | 49°25.99 , 136°39.96 | 25-Aug-09 , 21:23 | Rosette to 7 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
39 | P19 | 49°30.00 , 137°39.94 | 26-Aug-09 , 03:32 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
40 | P20 | 49°33.91 , 138°39.74 | 26-Aug-09 , 09:26 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
41 | P20 | 49°34.05 , 138°39.95 | 26-Aug-09 , 10:38 | Rosette (Deep UBC cast) to 2008 dbar ( Ctd data) |
42 | P20 | 49°34.00 , 138°39.87 | 26-Aug-09 , 12:15 | Bongo to 250 m |
43 | P26 | 49°59.38 , 144°452.17 | 27-Aug-09 , 12:04 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
44 | P26 | 49°59.97 , 145°00.14 | 27-Aug-09 , 13:16 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 4315 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
45 | P26 | 50°00.01 , 145°00.00 | 27-Aug-09 , 17:34 | Bongo to 250 m |
46 | P26 | 49°59.99 , 145°00.02 | 27-Aug-09 , 17:53 | Rosette (UBC Deep cast) to 2003 dbar ( Ctd data) |
47 | P26 | 50°00.01 , 144°59.88 | 27-Aug-09 , 19:57 | Rosette (UBC Shallow & ONAr cast) to 1001 dbar ( Ctd data) |
48 | P26 | 50°00.00 , 144°59.90 | 27-Aug-09 , 22:16 | Rosette (DMS & ONAr cast) to 198 dbar ( Ctd data) |
49 | P26 | 49°59.99 , 144°59.99 | 28-Aug-09 , 00:34 | Rosette (Light & ONAr cast) to 599 dbar ( Ctd data) |
50 | P26 | 49°59.99 , 145°00.16 | 28-Aug-09 , 02:19 | Bongo to 1000 m |
51 | P26 | 50°00.06 , 145°00.02 | 28-Aug-09 , 03:28 | Rosette (Deep ONAr & UBC cast) to 4000 dbar ( Ctd data) |
52 | Pa-003 | 50°09.34 , 144°48.63 | 28-Aug-09 , 07:29 | Rosette (Mooring cast) to 30 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
53 | P35 | 50°00.09 , 144°18.13 | 28-Aug-09 , 10:53 | Rosette to 6 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2005 dbar) |
54 | P25 | 50°00.04 , 143°36.33 | 28-Aug-09 , 15:18 | Rosette to 3 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
55 | P24 | 49°50.23 , 142°39.92 | 28-Aug-09 , 20:42 | Rosette (Calibration cast) to 2000 dbar ( Ctd data to 2005 dbar) |
56 | P23 | 49°46.03 , 141°40.07 | 29-Aug-09 , 02:26 | Rosette to 4 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
57 | P22 | 49°42.05 , 140°40.10 | 29-Aug-09 , 08:49 | Rosette to 5 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
58 | P21 | 49°37.95 , 139°39.89 | 29-Aug-09 , 14:40 | Rosette to 4 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2008 dbar) |
59 | P20 | 49°33.99 , 138°39.92 | 29-Aug-09 , 20:12 | Rosette (DMS cast) to 199 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
60 | P20 | 49°34.03 , 138°40.02 | 29-Aug-09 , 21:10 | Rosette (Light & ONAr cast) to 600 dbar ( Ctd data) |
61 | P20 | 49°34.01 , 138°39.98 | 30-Aug-09 , 00:34 | Rosette (Deep cast) to 4024 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
62 | P20 | 49°34.01 , 138°39.96 | 30-Aug-09 , 04:03 | Rosette (UBC Shallow cast) to 1001 dbar ( Ctd data) |
63 | P20 | 49°34.23 , 138°39.25 | 30-Aug-09 , 07:02 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
64 | P19 | 49°29.93 , 137°39.92 | 30-Aug-09 , 11:42 | Rosette to 4 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
65 | P18 | 49°26.04 , 136°40.04 | 30-Aug-09 , 17:11 | Rosette to 4 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2007 dbar) |
66 | P17 | 49°21.02 , 135°40.01 | 30-Aug-09 , 22:37 | Rosette to 2007 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
67 | P16 | 49°16.99 , 134°39.94 | 31-Aug-09 , 04:58 | Rosette (UBC Deep cast) to 2000 dbar ( Ctd data) |
68 | P16 | 49°16.99 , 134°39.96 | 31-Aug-09 , 06:41 | Rosette (UBC Shallow cast) to 1002 dbar ( Ctd data) |
69 | P16 | 49°16.94 , 134°39.99 | 31-Aug-09 , 07:47 | Bongo to 250 m |
70 | P16 | 49°16.92 , 134°40.22 | 31-Aug-09 , 08:03 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
71 | P14 | 49°07.42 , 132°39.97 | 31-Aug-09 , 17:12 | Rosette to 1998 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2004 dbar) |
72 | P14 | 49°07.40 , 132°39.96 | 31-Aug-09 , 18:59 | Bongo to 250 m |
73 | P12 | 48°58.24 , 130°40.14 | 01-Sep-09 , 07:01 | Live Reeve net towed at 200m, 150m, and 100m for 10 minutes each depth |
74 | P8 | 48°48.97 , 128°40.01 | 01-Sep-09 , 16:20 | Rosette (OSU cast) to 1998 dbar , ( Ctd data to 2006 dbar) |
75 | P4 | 48°38.93 , 126°39.96 | 02-Sep-09 , 05:03 | Rosette (OSU cast) to 1299 dbar , ( Ctd data) |
Download data for the whole cruise
CTD data
Chemistry (Rosette) data
Plankton data
- Whole cruise
- P2 Bongo to 100 m
- P4 Bongo to 250 m
- P8 Bongo to 250 m
- P12 Bongo to 250 m
- P20 Bongo to 250 m
- P26 Bongo to 250 m
- P26 Bongo to 1000 m
- P16 Bongo to 2500 m
- P14 Bongo to 250 m
Thermosalinograph data in text format
Surface and Loop data in text format
Profiles of T, S, Sigma-t, DO, and their anomalies


Temperature Anomaly


Salinity Anomaly


Sigma-t Anomaly

Dissolved Oxygen
No anomaly profile available
The following documents are available upon request by contacting Marie Robert.
- Cruise plan (PDF file)
- Post cruise report (PDF file)
- Data processing notes (2009-10-proc.pdf)
- Data Quality flags
- Chlorophyll precision (2009-10_CHL_precision.pdf)
- Dissolved Oxygen duplicates (2009-10_OXY_duplicates.pdf)
- Nutrients precision (2009-10_NUT_precision.pdf)
- Nutrients duplicates (2009-10_NUT_duplicates.pdf)
- Salinity duplicates (2009-10_SAL_duplicates.pdf)
- Carpenter, J.H. 1965. The Chesapeake Bay Institute Technique for the Winkler Dissolved Oxygen Method. Limmnol. & Oceanogr., 10: 141-143.
- Culberson, C.H. 1991. Dissolved oxygen. In WOCE Operations Manual. Volume 3: The Observational Program. Section 3.1: WOCE Hydrographic Program. Part 3.1.3: WHP Operations and Methods. WHP Office Report WHPO 91-1 / WOCE Report No. 68/91.
- Barwell-Clarke, J. and F. Whitney. 1996. Institute of Ocean Sciences Nutrient Methods and Analysis. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences, No. 182, 43 pp.
- Date modified: